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Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Do You Know These Top 7 Special Forces Of India

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Do You Know These Top 7 Special Forces Of India

Do you know these top seven special forces which are among the best in the world. The Special Forces play a crucial role in neutralizing the terror threats and maintaining internal peace in the nation. The Special Forces are specialized to respond to any terror threats and taking the required actions to complete the mission. The Special forces of India refer to those Special forces units which are serving the Republic of India and are specifically organised, trained, and are equipped to conduct and support special operations. The three branches of the Indian Armed Forces have separate special forces units, namely the Para SF of Indian Army, MARCOS of Indian Navy and the Garud Commando Force of Indian Air Force.

Here is the list of top 7 special forces of India:


  • The MARCOS (Marine Commandos), is a Special Forces Unit raised by the Indian Navy in the year of 1987 for Direct Actions, Special Reconnaissance, Amphibious Warfare and Counter-Terrorism.
  • The training of MARCOS is probably the most stringent in the world with the commandos being tested for the Physical & Mental Toughness.
  • Also MARCOS are termed as the “Dadiwala Fauj” , meaning the “Bearded Army” by terrorists because of their bearded disguise in civil areas.
2. National Security Guard

  • The National Security Guard is India’s premier Counter-Terrorist Force.
  • The NSG provides security to VIPs, conducts Anti-Sabotage checks and is responsible for neutralising terrorist threats to vital installations of the country.
  • The selection process has a drop out rate of about 70–80 %. The 7500 personnel of NSG is evenly divided between the Special Action Group (SAG) and the Special Rangers Group (SRG).
3. Para SF

  • The Para SF(Special Forces) was raised by the Indian Army in the year of 1966.
  • The Para Commandos are part of the Highly-Trained Parachute Regiment of the Indian Army and are the largest part of the Special Forces Units of India.
  • The main aim of a Parachute Regiment is a quick deployment of soldiers behind enemy lines to attack the enemy from behind and destroy their first line of defence.
4. Garud Commando Force

  • The Garud Commando Force is the Special Forces unit of the Indian Air Force raised in the year of 2004.
  • The training for being a Garud is the longest among all the Indian Special Forces. The total duration of training before a trainee can qualify as a fully operational Garud Commando is 03 Years.
  • The Garud Commando Force is the youngest Special Force of the services
  • Moreover, It is entrusted with the duty of protecting critical Air Force bases, carrying out rescue operation during calamities and successive missions in support of air operations.
5. Ghatak Force

  • The Ghatak Force is an infantry platoon goes for the kill and spearheads strikes ahead of a battalion.
  • Every infantry battalion in the Indian Army has one platoon and only the most physically fit and motivated soldiers make it to the Ghatak Platoon.
  • Also, the Ghatak Soldiers are well-trained, superiorly armed and equipped to handle situations like Terror Strikes, Hostage Situations, Counter Terrorism and Counter Insurgency Operations.

  • The COBRA (Commando Battalion for Resolute Action) is a specialised unit of the CRPF (Central Reserve Police Force) developed to counter Naxalism in India. It’s one of the few Indian special forces that’s exclusively trained in Guerrilla Warfare.
  • COBRA has successfully ejected out a number of Naxalite Groups from India.
7. Special Frontier Force

  • The Special Frontier Force was raised by the Indian Army in the year of 1962 as a Special Force
  • Most of all it’s purpose was covert operations behind Chinese lines in the event of another war with China.
  • Further, the SFF operates under India’s external intelligence agency RAW (Research and Analysis Wing).
  • Moreover, it reports directly to the Prime Minister via the Directorate General of Security in the Cabinet Secretariat.




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