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Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Things To Know About The Mechanised Infantry Regiment Of Indian Army

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Hello Folks, I hope you are applying every inch of hard work and effort to earn the prestigious uniform of the Indian Armed Forces. Today, I am here to profile one of the youngest regiments of the Indian Army i.e. The Mechanised Infantry Regiment.

The Mechanised Infantry Regiment is an infantry regiment of the Indian Army, comprising 27 battalions dispersed under various armoured formations throughout India. It is one of the youngest regiments in the indian army, formed as a result of lessons learned in the 1965 Indo-Pak War, to give infantry battalions a greater mobility at the time of war.

The Mechanised Infantry Regiment was the mastermind of late General K. Sundarjiwho had the foresight to cater the needs of a modern Indian Army. The War Cry of the Mechanised Infantry is “Bolo Bharat Mata Ki Jai” (Victory to Mother India). The Regimental Centre of the Mechanised Infantry Regiment is Ahmednagar (Maharashtra).

mechanised infantry indian army

History and Raising of the Mechanised Infantry Regiment
  • In Indian context, the need to mechanise our Infantry was first felt after the 1965 war.
  • The first tentative steps were taken in 1969, when 1st Madras added another 1st to its cap becoming the first infantry unit to be equipped with APC TOPAZ.
  • 1st JAT followed soon, and by the year 1970, ten of our finest infantry units had been equipped with an array of APCs or Chariots, namely the BTR, SKOT and TOPAZ.
  • The 1971 war saw some of these battalions take part in action on both fronts as part of Combat Groupings with Armoured Units for the first time.
  • To fully realise the combat potential of this dynamic arm, the need was felt to provide these battalions with integrated training and common battle philosophy.
  • The idea of grouping the existing Battalions together under one banner with a common identity was conceived by Gen KV Krishna Rao (PVSM) in 1973 and crystallised by Gen K Sundarji (PVSM, AVSM, ADC).
  • It was they who pursued the formal raising of the Mechanised Infantry Regiment.
  • The Regiment was raised on 02 Apr 1979 and the affairs of the Regiment were transferred from Directorate General of Infantry to Directorate General Mechanised Forces.
  • At the time of raising, the Regiment comprised of fourteen battalions, which were drawn from various Infantry Regiments.
  • 20 RAJPUT (now 24 Mechanised Infantry Regiment) joined the Regt in April 1992. As on date, the Regiment comprises of twenty six battalions.

mechanised infantry regiment

Regimental Crest
  • The Colonel of the regiment, Gen K Sundarji (PVSM, AVSM, ADC) selected a white metal BMP-I with a copper bayonet as regimental crest at the time of raising.
  • The BMP-I depicts the Mechanisation aspect being the ICV in use at the time of raising and the Bayonet depicts the Infantry aspect of the regiment.
Spirit of the Mechanised Infantry Regiment
  • It was designed by Capt A. Katkar.
  • The composition depicts the spirited response that will be displayed against an adversary on the battle field.
  • The neoteric and young Regiment of our army has been symbolised in this youthful and dynamic figure of a futuristic design.
  • The design brings out the spirit, concept, role and characteristics of the Regiment.
  • Poise of the youthful figure depict vitality, dynamism and portray aggressive spirit. Position of the legs, ripple of the waves and wings signify mobility over land, sea and air and ring around the spirit; self reliance and armour protection.

mechanised infantry regiment

Regimental Flag
  • The Regimental Flag was designed by Mrs Priya Mazumdar, daughter of General K Sundarji (PVSM, AVSM, ADC).
  • The Red colour signifies the Blood of the infantry men.
  • The Black colour signifies the Aggressive spirit of Armour.
  • The Yellow background signifies Purity and the Path of glory.
Regimental Motto
  • “Valour and Faith” (Veerta or Vishwas) denotes the hallmark of a complete warrior and winner.
  • The motto suggests a blend of staunch, unrelenting fortitude, gallant nobility, reverence to duty, courage of conviction and spirit of sacrifice.
  • Valour – “Passion towards duty regardless of perils” 
  • Faith – “Trust in self, outfit, weapons and leadership” 
  • Battle Cry : “Bharat Mata ki Jai”

I hope the article was helpful for all the defence aspirants, if you have any doubt at all or you want to suggest anything then please leave a comment to help you in least possible time!!

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