The Rajput Regiment Indian Army
The Rajput Regiment is an Infantry Regiment of the Indian Army which composed troops primarily from the Rajput, Gurjar, Bengali and Brahman. “Victory or Death in Battle has always been the religion of the Rajputs, from time immemorial, it is his character that he knows No Fear”
The class composition of the Rajput Regiment was 50% Rajput and 50% Muslim during the Second World War.
The current commander of the Rajput Regiment is Lieutenant General Manoj Kumar Katiyar.
The War Cry of the Rajput Regiment is “Bol Bajrang Bali Ki Jai” (Victory to Lord Hanuman)
The Regimental Centre of the Rajput Regiment is located at Fatehgarh (Uttar Pradesh).

History and Raising of the Rajput Regiment:
The term Rajput is derived from the sanskrit word Rajputra (A son of King).
The association of the Rajput Regiment with the British Indian army was started in the year of 1778 when the 3rd Battalion was raised as the 31st Regiment Bengal Native Infantry.
In 1798, the 2nd Battalion was raised as the 16th Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry.
The class composition of the Rajput Regiment was 50% Rajput and 50% Muslim which were the finest soldiers in the world.
Major B.K. Pant (Commander-in-Chief of 02 Rajputs) is a fine example of courage displayed by the Indian Rajput Soldier in the war with China in 1962.
The Chinese were knowing that their obstacle in taking 02 Rajputs lay with Major Pant. Major Pant was wounded in stomach and legs yet he continued to win the war.
Major Pant died proudly shouting “Bol Bajrang Bali Ki Jai”. The 02 Rajputs alone captured a total of 513 Chinese Soldiers.

Motto and Regimental Insignia of the Rajput Regiment:
The motto of the Rajput Regiment is “Sarvatra Vijay” (Victory Everywhere).
The Regimental Insignia of the Rajput Regiment consists of A pair of daggers flanked by 03 Ashoka leaves on either side of the insignia.
The Rajput Regiment adopted the crossed daggers as their insignia when the 3rd Battalion of the regiment defeated Hyder Ali at Cuddalore.
Medals and Honours of the Rajput Regiment:
The Rajput Regiment is one of the decorated regiments of the Indian Army by being awarded a number of honours from a day of its existence in the Indian Army.
01 Param Vir Chakra
03 Ashok Chakra
05 Param Vishisht Seva Medals
07 Maha Vir Chakras
12 Kirti Chakras
05 Ati Vishisht Seva Medals
66 Vir Chakras
20 Shaurya Chakras
08 Yudh Seva Medals
313 Sena Medals
19 Vishisht Seva Medals
01 Padma Shri Award

Interesting Facts about the Rajput Regiment:
The First Indian Chief of the Indian Army i.e. Field Marshal K.M. Cariappa and Twenty-Third Chief of the Army Staff i.e. General V.K. Singh are the notable alumni of the Rajput Regiment.
The soldiers of the various Rajput Regiments under the British Empire were either drawn from or part of the Bengal Army.
The Infantry Regiment fought valiantly during the World War I and earned a total of 37 battle honours.
The various Rajput Regiments emerged to form the 7th Rajput Regiment consisting of 06 battalions in the year of 1922.
The battalions of the Infantry Regiment fought bravely in the Second World War, 1962 War, 1965 War, 1971 War and 1999 War.
Naik Jadu Nath Singh of the 01 Rajput is an honourable recipient of the Param Vir Chakra (PVC) who attained martyrdom while defeating the Tain Dhar Sector in Naushera.
The Rajput Regiment was affiliated with the first destroyer of the Indian Navy, INS Rajput, which was decommissioned on May 21, after 41 years of service.
Stay tuned to get more information about the remaining regiments of the Indian Army.
Why can one not find out where a Rajput Regiment Captain is buried. I have written to the DoD but no reply. My email address is I am trying to find my father., Thanks
When writing on any subject its best for the author to research the subject to be as factually correct as possible.
This article does not appear to have been researched at all. Some examples :
1 “The current commander of the Rajput Regiment is Lieutenant General CP Mohanty.”
2.”Major B.K. Pant (Commander-in-Chief of 02 Rajputs) is a fine example of courage displayed by the Indian Rajput Soldier in the war with China in 1962. ”
Poor control of English has led to meanings of sentences to be changed !
This article could have been done better.
Dear Anand, the article was written years ago by then “intern”. You can refer the date of article. However, we have noted it update the blog likewise