10 Different badges earned by the Indian Para Commando
In this blog we are going to discuss the badges worn by Indian Para Commandos.
Sounds great right?
We know that the Para Commandos are of the most elite and skilled soldiers that countries have in its force.
Likewise, Indian Para Commandos are also the bravest of brave known all of over the country. Highly skilled in combat and at the same time also well prepared to tackle the adversities.
We all know that the credit for the Surgical Strikes in 2016 also goes to the Indian Para Commandoes.
Every regiment has their different badges and insignia that they wore in their dresses. Similarly, the ‘Red Devils’ or the Para Commandos also have a variety of badges earned by them through rigorous training.
These badges worn simply speaks volumes about the man who has earned them, the badges have a different meaning which is discussed in the blog.
Following are the badges earned by the Indian Para Commandos:

- The Para Jump wings are earned after a successful completion of Parachute basic course.
- This course basically includes a jump from the aircraft at higher altitudes, during the day as well as during night time.
- The Jump wings are basically airborne brevet with an open parachute in white, with light blue (cyan) wings.
- There are other variants also which are usually gold wired wings worn during ceremonies.
- The badge was earlier worn over the upper right sleeve but after 1975 it appears above the name tag.

- It is basically a brass badge having stars at the bottom of the parachute.
- The number of stars usually indicates a total number of successful jumps.
- 1 star, 2 stars and 3 stars denote 25, 50 and 100 jumps respectively.
- Worn below the left pocket.

- The badge simply speaks volumes and depicts that the personnel is a diver fully geared with a combat load and ready to undertake specialized underwater operations.
- It also tells that the person excels in specialization for underwater operations.
- Moreover, the person is adroit with various underwater explosives and weapons.
- Worn above the service medals and ribbons.

- Balidaan in Hindi basically means ‘Self Sacrifice’.
- In the context of the badge, it unveils the willingness of men to protect the country even to the pril of their life.
- The badge is worn by Para Special Forces. It is only earned by only 4-5 volunteers out of selected 100.
- An exclusive SF badge, also earned by the doctors posted in the unit who has completed the probation/service requirements.
- It is also awarded for the first confirmed kill.
- Worn below the right pocket.

- This badge indicates that the person is Anti-Tank Guided Missile course qualified.
- It is earned for successfully hitting the target during the Battalion Support weapon course.
- This shows the man is basically trained to knock out armored vehicles.
- Worn above the name tag.

- This badge is earned by personnel who are a part of the PARA Special Forces.
- These people are designated to do impossible tasks, and they do impossible also.
- The badge is basically earned on a successful probation.
- The badge is worn on the upper right and left sleeves.

- On completion of combat free fall course, this badge is earned.
- The course includes 50 jumps from 30,000 ft. both HALO (High altitude and low opening) and HAHO (High altitude high opening).
- Worn above the medals and ribbons.

- It is an honor awarded by the United States.
- The badge is earned by completion of a basic airborne course from Fort Benning, Georgia.
- Worn below name tag.

- For earning this badge a personnel must be qualified in all ground training.
- They must have completed the freefall course.
- This shows the person is qualified from Military Free-Fall Parachutist course from the United States Military Free-Fall School.
- The badge is worn above the medals and ribbons.

- The infantryman who displays an impressive performance at ‘Ghatak course’ is awarded ‘Commando Dagger’.
- This personnel attends the Commando Training Centre Belgaum, Karnataka.
- These men undergo specialized training in demolition, close quarter combat, navigation, rock climbing, and Heli-borne assault.
- Worn below the right pocket.
Hope you liked the blog and we wish as many of you to earn these special badges in the future. All the best. Stay tuned to DDE.
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