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Tuesday, October 22, 2024

10 Things You Must Know Before Attempting Situation

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The Situation Reaction Test (SRT) is one of the tests conducted during the Psychology Test in SSB. It is conducted on the second day of the five day selection process. However in boards like 2 AFSB Mysore the Psychology test are conducted on the first day itself for entries like MET. In this test, the candidates are expected to give out spontaneous and instinctive responses to certain stressful, unfamiliar and real to life situations.

Below are the 10 important things which you must know about Situation Reaction Test:

situation reaction test sub

1) First of all, you will be given an illustration set of SRTs followed by practice set.

2) Furthermore, fill up your particulars on the answer sheet provided to you.

3) This is again a test of imagination (Idea writing test) most commonly known as SRT.

4) Write your responses in the separate sheets given to you for the purpose and not inside the SRT Booklet.

5) Do not turn over the page until you are told to do so.

6) In this test, a number of real life situations are presented to you. Assessors would like to know how you would feel, think and act in these situations.

situation reaction test sub

7) There are no right or wrong answers with respect to these situations. Everyone is likely to read these situations in his own way. Candidates are expected to give out spontaneous and instinctive responses to certain stressful, unfamiliar and real to life situations.

8) Do not spend too much time in thinking out the answer to the situation.  Write quickly the answer that comes to your mind first.

9) You are to write your answers in answer sheet provided to you.  Please don’t write anything in the test booklet.

10) You will be given 30 minutes to complete the situation reaction test which contains 60 situations. Try to answer all questions in given time. To make you aware of time – Half Time, Last 5 min and last min will be announced.  

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