Attempt the SSB OIR Test Quiz Online, passing percentage is 70% with a time limit of 15 minutes. Regarding answer explanation and doubt clearing, please drop the question number in the comment box.

#1. Which of the following Venn-diagram illustrates the relationship between football fans, cricket players, and students?
#2. Sharman said to Priti ,”your mother’s husband’s sister is my aunt.” How is Priti related to Sharman?

#3. Replace the “?” with correct option :

#4. From the given answer figures, select the one in which the question figure is hidden/embedded.
#5. If FIRE is coded as IPCT, then COLD is coded as

#6. Which number is opposite of 4?

#7. Replace the “?” with correct option :
#8. 31, 60, 93, 130, ___, 216.
#9. Words inscribed on tomb / historic monument
#10. Chose the correct option – LIGHT:BLIND ::
#11. If SPIT is coded as PIXE, then SPAM is coded as

#12. From the given answer figures, select the one in which the question figure is hidden/embedded.

#13. Select the diagram that best illustrates the relationship between Clothes, Red, and Flowers.
#14. If Vicky says that his mother is the only girl child of Chicky’s mother, how is Chicky related to Vicky?
#15. Teetotaler means
#16. Pick the odd one out:
#17. Chose the correct option – AFTER:BEFORE ::
#18. Pick the odd one out:
#19. 22, 43, 60, 73, __ .

#20. Which number is opposite of 6?
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How to solve #3 & #7?
Add all the numbers in the 1st block, it will be 140.
Add all the numbers in the 2nd block, it will be 140.
Similarly, find the missing number in the 3rd block to make it 140.
The first letter is B, there onwards add the prime numbers to B, you will get the last letter.
All the best!
I didn’t get question no. 10
As a “BLIND” person cannot see light, the same as the “Dumb” person cannot hear speech/voice.
Found useful
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