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Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Army Dental Corps : All You Need To Know

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Army Dental Corps : All You Need To Know. The newly commissioned officers of the Army dental corps join dental units and prior to their being detailed for institutionalized training at Officers Training College, AMC Centre & College, Lucknow are given pre-course training at the unit level by teaching them basics of military grooming, customs and etiquettes, greeting senior officers, addressing subordinates, uniform drills, physical trg etc. This trg prepares them for the formal nine (09) weeks of Medical Officers’ Basic Course at Lucknow.

army dental corps

As Captains they begin their journey into a world totally different from their known environment; a world of pride, loyalty, integrity, leadership, commitment admixed with delivery of the highest standards of professional care.

These young men and women undergo basic military training at Officers Training College, AMC Centre & College (OTC, AMC C&C), Lucknow, where a ‘Dental Surgeon’ metamorphoses into a highly trained, motivated and committed ‘Dental Officer’.

army dental corps

They also undergo basic training relating to organization, administration and functioning, military law, documentation and military dentistry at OTC, AMC C&C, Lucknow and Command Military Dental Centres(CC) to be ready to take on duties at any place in the country, in land, sea or air.

The Course at OTC, AMC C&C Lucknow prepares them to take on the challenges of administration, middle level management and planning for the services followed by Senior Dental Officer’s Course at Dept. of Dental Surgery & Oral Health Sciences, Armed Forces Medical College, Pune which is a professional refresher course and acquaints the officers in latest advances in the professional field.

dental officers indian army

After two (02) years of service, desirous and eligible Short Service Commissioned(SSC) officers undergo selection for Permanent Commission(PC), to take up Armed Forces as a career.

PC Officers are eligible for post-graduate training in Prosthodontics and Crown & Bridge, Periodontology, Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics and Orthodontics & Dentofacial orthopedics after putting in four (04) years of regular service.

They undergo Advance Specialist Training at one of the most prestigious institution in the country, Dept of Dental Surgery & Oral Health Sciences, Armed Forces Medical College (AFMC), Pune and Army Dental Centre, Army Hospital (R&R). Provision to avail Study leave in selected subjects also exists for the PC officers to undergo PG studies in Civil Institutions.

officers training college lucknow

Military Dental Surgeons are trained to be always available and responsive with courtesy, respect and highest standards of military bearing with unquestioned credibility. The ingrained philosophy of compassion has made them great ambassadors of the country abroad.

Military Dentistry is practiced in near ideal conditions viz every dental officer is authorized with a dental assistant and a hygienist as dental auxiliaries and all dental units are almost always co-located with a medical support system to handle any unforeseen medical emergencies.

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