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How To Answer Why Do You Want To Join The Defence Forces?

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How To Answer Why Do You Want To Join The Defence Forces?

“Why do you want to join the Defence Forces?”, many of the candidates would have encountered this question during personal interview. The assessors often ask this question to evaluate the degree of your motivation for joining the forces.

Naturally, the answer to this question should come from the innermost recesses of your heart. Make sure you do not ask others for their opinion on this question, otherwise it will lack spontaneity and appear to be a coached response.

Since this is a likely question that you may be asked during your SSB, it will be prudent to prepare an answer that is genuine from your point of view and sounds authentic.

Therefore, to look for the answer to this question, you must ‘search your heart’ and also ‘surf the internet’ to know what is the “work content” in the field that you are aspiring to join, and also, as to how you will be able to contribute to the forces with your acquired skill set.

Do not give a stereotype answer like “I want to serve the nation”, as you can serve the nation by being a doctor, lawyer, engineer or even a sweeper.

Saying that you want to “die for the nation” is a highly pessimistic answer, it almost reflects a suicidal thought process. Forces do not spend money and effort on your training so that you die for the nation, but to ensure that “you kill the enemy”.

Another most ludicrous response among the aspirants is that “I want to earn a Param Vir Chakra”, this response will depict a highly self oriented, reward seeking personality. A soldier never “aims” for PVC, but it is the consequence or a by-product of his onerous deeds in battle that is recognised by the nation.

Must Read : SSB Interview Tips For Upcoming SSB Interview

Given below is a sample answer which can be used as a base by the aspirants to frame their own answer.

Sample Answer:  “Sir, I am a sportsperson and I would like to lead an active life, rather than being desk borne. I have always liked to travel and see new places and meet new people. Armed forces give ample opportunities to pursue sports and adventure activities. (For a technical candidate, it could be the opportunities to pursue and expand knowledge in his/ her technical field).

Further sir, I feel charmed by the glamour of the uniform and deeply respect the disciplined lifestyle attached with the uniform. (Someone can give the example of father or uncle or some other serving person who has inspired you to join). It is perhaps one of the most dignified ways to lead the life and serve the nation with utmost pride and honour.




Start your SSB preparations with these specially curated ebooks.

Stage 1 SSB – SSB Oir ebook

SSB Psychology Test – Click Here

SSB Group Tasks  – Click Here

Thematic Apperception Test – Click Here

Situation Reaction Test – Click Here

To Download Free SSB Material – Click Here

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