Attempt SSB Officer Intelligence Rating (OIR) Test Quiz Online, the passing percentage is 75% with a time limit of 10 minutes.

#1. Select the diagram which best illustrates the relationship between pigeon, dog, and cat.

#2. In which answer figure is the question figure embedded?
#3. If NOTES is coded as RKXAW, then SHIRT is coded as
#4. 23, 46, 69, 92, ___, 138.

#5. Which number is opposite of 6?
#6. If SCRAP equals to 21, then ERASE equals to

#7. Replace the “?” with correct option :
#8. Pick the odd one out:
#9. If GRAVITY : PULL, then
#10. If ANI is coded as KXS, then RAM is coded as
#11. 11, 23, 47, 83, ___, 191.

#12. Replace the “?” with correct option :

#13. In which answer figure is the question figure embedded?

#14. Replace the “?” with correct option :

#15. Which number is in opposite plane of 3?
#16. 16, 18, 15, 20, __, 24.

#17. Replace the “?” with correct option :
#18. If ARC equals to 14, DOG equals to

#19. Select the diagram which best illustrates the relationship between girls, dancers, and singers.
#20. Pick the odd one out:
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Question no 16 I am not getting please help me.
From 16, alternatively, add and subtract prime numbers.
Question no. 10 I am not getting
Hey Abhinav,
Consider A to Z as 1 to 26
Follow a similar pattern.
Look out for the Answers figures in which Question figure is mixed/embedded
Through which techneque can we solve question no.6
Numerically consider A to Z as 1 to 26.
S=19, C=3, R=18, A=1, P=16
Add all the numbers except the middle number = 39
Substract the middle number, 39-18= 21
Follow the similar pattern.
Question no. 7,14,18 plzz give the explanation
Sir plzz give the answers of my question
Hey Sudhanshu,
Add all the numbers in the first block, it equals to 150.
Find the missing number in the second block to equal the sum for 150.
Add all the numbers in first block, it equals to 250.
Find the missing number in the second block to equal the sum for 250.
Numerically consider A to Z as 1 to 26.
A=1, R=18, C=3
Add the first and last number, then substract the middle number.
Follow the same pattern
sr , question no 6 , 7 , 12 and 14
Hey Shahid,
Numerically consider A to Z as 1 to 26.
S=19, C=3, R=18, A=1, P=16
Add all the numbers except the middle number = 39
Substract the middle number, 39-18= 21
Follow the same pattern
Add all the numbers in the first block, it equals to 150.
Find the missing number in the second block to equal the sum for 150.
6 * 5 =30 and 6 – 5 = 1
30 and 1 are in lower sections of first block.
Follow the same pattern for second block.
Add all the numbers in first block, it equals to 250.
Find the missing number in the second block to equal the sum for 250.