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Recommended from 12 SSB, Bangalore in 6th attempt

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Recommended from 12 SSB, Bangalore in 6th attempt

Hello friends, I am Prabhjeet Singh, from Ambala, Haryana. I got Recommended from 12 SSB, Bangalore in 6th attempt. My SSB success story might be a bit long , So I request your some time. To start, since childhood I too had a dream to join DEFENCE FORCES as an Officer. So I started preparing for NDA right from class 11. I gave my first attempt in Sep 2017, Cleared the exam and went for my first SSB at 1 AFSB- Dehradun….

And got conferenced out. With heavy heart I again appeared for NDA written in April 2018  cleared it and this time I had OVERCONFIDENCE that this time I will get screen in easily. I watched a lot of youtube videos about SSB. But unfortunately got screened out from

2 AFSB,Mysore. It was very disheartening for me as well as for my parents. My father who himself is a Captain in Indian Army. I got a bit emotional. I took a year drop to prepare for NDA and JEE-Mains .

I went to Kota like many others to prepare for JEE-Mains. Till this time I had filled form for TES twice but did not got call for SSB as I did not cleared the cut off.

Luckily I got call for SSB for TES-41 , reported SSB,Bangalore and got screened out this time also. I did not knew what was going with me. But I did not lost hopes.

Again I appeared for NDA written in September 2018 , cleared it, I was very happy. Got SSB Allahabad as centre, my friends told me that it is REJECTION Centre. But I had confidence. Reported SSB, Allahabad. Got screened in …. OHHHH. What a relief I got now. I performed well in the rest 4 days BUT my dear friends this time too I got Conferenced out. I did not know what to do now. As I was thinking with what face I will go home now? How will I face my parents?

This time in 2019 I got 86.7 percentile in JEE-Mains and I was not getting any good college. At one point of time I thought that I have wasted my one year- And NO COLLEGE, NO RECOMMENDATION.

But I had one last chance left for NDA so I appeared for NDA one last time in April 2019 , cleared it and again got Allahabad as my centre. By this time I took admission in a private engineering college in Pune. So I had my last but not the least SSB in Allahabad, went to Allahabad from Pune, and got conference out there also. When I called my mother after results, my mother got a bit emotional but I consoled her. I had also lost 1 week,s attendance in college. At this point of time I was just praying to god that please give me one last chance for SSB, I want to prove myself and make my parents happy.

One Book For All Competitive Exams

After coming back to college, I just prayed. And my prayers were answered when I got call for Navy 10+2 B.tech entry. Here my happiness cannot be explained. I informed my parents. After this I was a different person. I wrote down all my mistakes of past SSBs and filled 4-5 pages, made a complete plan of how would I change myself in next 2 months.(my next SSB was on 4 Oct.) I changed many of my habits. Regularly I discussed about SSB with my father and the friends who got recommended previously. 24*7 I used to think and work on myself to change and have a good personality.

I took motivation from reading others success stories at Defence Direct Education. I used to burn midnight oil. Regular reading of news on THE Hindu App, youtube videos, self introspection helped me a lot. This time I was a bit confident of my preparation. And told my college about my SSB so I’ll not give mid term exams, and they told me to go on my own risk. Now the real story begins. I reported to SSB, Bangalore once again. Total 124 candidates reported, normal documentation was done, we were told about next day’s schedule. On talking with other candidates I came to know that only I was the most experienced one :).

Day 1: My OIR was normal as I did only 69/90 questions. PPDT was easy, I wrote a simple,natural story, gave a confident narration, initiated in the GD and participated nicely.

When results were announced, I prayed to god that please not again.( Atleast Screen in to kardo). And luckily my chest no. was called on third last. (Reliefffff). Total 40 candidates were in. I felt bad for others.

Day 2: I completed all 12 TAT, wrote very simple and practical stories., completed 60 WAT, 42 SRTs. Interesting thing that happened here was that I wrote a different SD from one which I learnt.

Download TAT ebook with original TAT slides : Download Now 

Day:3 Some had GTO and others had interview. I had my interview, focused on myself and talked a bit with friends in waiting room, I tried to calm myself. My interview went for only 15 mins. IO asked only general questions, 2-3 technical, 2-3 GK questions.

Day:4 GTO. I initiated in both GD, gave logical and simple points 3-4 times, GPE went nice and I helped group to conclude. Then in PGT, HGT, GOR I helped my group gave ideas, all accepted many of my ideas. Delivered a confident lecturette for 3 mins. I did 9 individual obstacles, my command task was medium-high level, with help of GTO I completed it. In FGT also I gave ideas and completed it with help of group. This time I was confident of my performance but I had mixed thoughts.

SSB GTO ebook with actual SSB tasks and their solutions : Download Now

Day5: Conference day! I had to wait for only 2-3 mins outside and inside I was asked general questions, about my performance.

And when results came, when my chest no. was called I shouted my name and spelling. Total 10 candidates got recommended. All shook hands with each other and hugged.

In medicals I got one TR for eye( myopia), I will go for Appeal Medical in 3rd week of Nov. I hope and pray that I join INA in Jan 2020.

I give credit to my parents,friends,Pushpendra,Hritik, Nitesh and the GOD.

All the best to all those working hard and remember your day will come. Thank you!

Start your SSB preparations with these specially curated ebooks.

Stage 1 SSB – SSB Oir ebook

SSB Psychology Test – Click Here

SSB Group Tasks  – Click Here

Thematic Apperception Test – Click Here

Situation Reaction Test – Click Here

To Download Free SSB Material – Click Here

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HeroesRecommended from 12 SSB, Bangalore in 6th attempt
HeroesRecommended from 12 SSB, Bangalore in 6th attempt
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