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Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Ratnesh Patel Recommended For National Defence Academy

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Ratnesh Patel Recommended For National Defence Academy

Hello guys! This is Ratnesh Patel recommended by SSB Bhopal to join the prestigious National Defence Academy. As you all came here to know about my SSB experience so I’ll directly start without wasting anymore time. My first SSB was in Bangalore, where I got screened out. The most probable reason for myself being screened out there was the lack of active participation in the group discussion part. I did speak few points but I didn’t show that much interest in other’s points ,which clearly showed the lack of active participation. And as the result I got out !

Being a Sainik school cadet and getting screened out really hurts a lot. After that I prepared for my next written exam and got the call letter for my second SSB in Bhopal. I didn’t went for any coaching, I prepared on my own. I got the few sets of OIR and solved them on my own. I got the study materials and practiced them. I used to watch the GTO videos from YouTube and used to imagine the structures and solved them on my own.  For the interview part I just thought of being honest. I got the list of questions and made the best answers on my own. I made myself mentally prepared this time and went for the interview without any stress!

Download free SSB material : Click Here

Now talking about my journey of 5 days there. During my screening day, I went to the hall without any tension and gave my OIR test freely. It’s a very simple test, all you need is to be calm and give the answers. I will suggest you to attempt every question as there is no negative marking there and that’s what I did! During the PPDT test I wrote the story on the first thought which came to my mind without thinking the story to be right or wrong! And during the discussion time I showed the active participation there and got screened in this time.

Now I made myself mentally prepared for the physiology test forgetting about any other tests. I just focused on physiology part. And next day I wrote positive stories and attempted all words in WAT and did 49 SRT. In the self description part I wrote the description which I prepared earlier. I will suggest you all to prepare it before your SSB.

Now this test was over and I was getting mentally prepared for my interview and GTO. On the first day of my GTO I performed well . Again I showed the leadership skills and active participation in my group. In the group obstacle race I showed all my Josh and helped every team member for crossing the obstacles. In individual obstacles too I showed the presence of mind by choosing the correct sequence to complete the obstacles. The group discussion part also went well as there was no heck in my group and it all went well with everybody’s cooperation.

SSB GTO Ebook with original GTO tasks and Solutions : Download Now

In the next day of my GTO, I was having the command task which is the turning point for most of the candidates. Here you get the opportunity to prove your leadership. I got the difficult obstacle. But anyhow I completed it.  Not only completed but gave the proper commands to my teammates. And behaved as a leader. Now my GTO part was over and I was having interview on the 4th day. I dressed well and went to the interview hall without any stress and with the cool mind. The questions were asked about my personal life ,about my friends, my teachers, my game, my hobby. Interviewer also asked me about the current events going across the world. He checked my knowledge about the defence by asking me questions about the same. I gave the answers honestly and the answers which I didn’t know, I simply preferred not to answer!

Finally my conference day came I was nervous as my results were going to be announced on that day!  I went to the conference hall. They asked me about my stay and food. And after that they asked me to wait outside. Now when the results were announced I heard my chest no and was at the top floor the world after hearing that!

So guys this was my experience there in the SSB.  I’ll advice to you  that you should  improve your communication skills , stay connected with the world and improve the knowledge about the defence. Guys keep practicing for the psychology part too so that you can attempt every problem there.

Guys all the best for your SSB! Keep practicing. And if you want to know more or want to take any advice you all are welcome I’m dropping my Instagram id you all can contact me there !

https://www.instagram.com/ratnesh.patel4378?r=nametag this is my Instagram id

Or you can search for ratnesh.patel4378 in Instagram

Thank you !!

Start your SSB preparations with these specially curated ebooks.

Stage 1 SSB – SSB Oir ebook

SSB Psychology Test – Click Here

SSB Group Tasks  – Click Here

Thematic Apperception Test – Click Here

Situation Reaction Test – Click Here

To Download Free SSB Material – Click Here

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HeroesRatnesh Patel Recommended For National Defence Academy
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