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Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Why Do You Want To Join Indian Army [SSB Question]

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Why do you want to join Indian Army?

Why do you want to join Indian Army. If you are a defence aspirant and are preparing yourself for the coming SSB then brace yourself for this question. IO will definitely ask you as to “why you wish to join Indian Army” or other services, if he is of the perception that you are immature or too young. Therefore, aspirants going through entries like NDA, TES, 10+2 Btech are more likely to face this in their personal Interview.

Many of you may think at this point that this is not an intense question and hence there is not much to think about. Well, you will understand it’s intensity in a few minutes. Let’s assume Rahul is an immature kid who is now facing the president of the board. He is in the middle of the conversation when IO asks him the following.

IO: Why do you want to join the Army?

Rahul: I want to serve the nation

IO: You can serve the nation in civil sector as well

Rahul: Maybe. But I think I can be a good leader.

IO: You can be a good leader in various sectors such as sports, IT etc

Rahul : (puzzled) I have seen the life of an officer. It fascinates me

IO: What fascinates you exactly?

Rahul: The style of officer & luxury he gets fascinates me. I’m a patriotic as well.

IO: You can do so much in different sectors and prove your patriotism. Why the Army then?

Rahul: (Blank)

IO is now quite convinced that Rahul barely knows about different sectors, their work and perks. Rahul has no genuine reason to join the forces except that he is looking for an escape to get settled. Rahul thereby creates a negative impression. This happens a lot with many youngsters who are not prepared or are casual in their attitude.

So, What is the perfect answer for – why do you want to join Indian Army?

To begin with, there is no perfect answer to this question. Everyone has a different response which suits them the best. However, a genuine response can be summarized in three Broad categories. Let’s learn about the same.

why join indian army
1.) Affection:

The aspirants in this category have a real attachment towards the forces. This can be identified by the knowledge they have towards the defence forces. Be it ranks, medals, decorations, regiments, war cries, uniforms and much more. Their endearment is no fabrication. Moreover, they either know most of the things or are interested in acquiring that knowledge. These aspirants are always in pursuit to learn more about the defence forces.

If you are one of them then your answer will be somewhat matching this category. It certainly creates a good impact on IO. However, refrain from this category if you lack this knowledge as in that case the impression will be another way around. He will ask you counter questions and within a matter of minutes, everything will be clear.

why join indian army
2.) Adventure:

The aspirants in this category are adventure seekers. They are thrilled imagining a life full of travelling, meeting new people and visiting parts of the world which people only dream off. They are thrilled to get a life where bags are always packed for a get set go to places which you may never know. Army definitely offers an adventurous life full of uncertainties sometimes. The adventure sports you get to play in Army are something which civilian can only dream about. Right from the camps in training, to sitting on the borders, flying the jet planes, to operating a submarine. You are definitely not getting all this in the civil sector.

Again, if you fall into this category it’s a positive point that adds value to your assessment. However, abstain from this category if you have hardly done any trekking, camping or hardly played more than one sport.

3.)  Inspiration:

Now, this is a category where most of the defence brats fall into. You have seen your parents in uniform, you have seen their lifestyle all your life. It is the inspiration from them that you have decided to choose this life over other sectors. Be it waking up early morning at 4 for a run to immediate posting to a different part of the country. You have enjoyed each and every bit of it and are eager to take up the same responsibility.

Lastly, Civil aspirants with no defence background may inspire from Bollywood movies and heroic stories they hear.

It’s perfectly alright to fall in any of the categories stated above. “Your answer should be your own”. Eventually, don’t just answer with any response that is not your own. For e.g, once a kid said he wants to earn PVC and that is his reason for joining the forces. Guess what, IO flooded him with so many questions related to param vir chakra that he regretted saying that. He later confessed that he heard this from someone else that when PVC Capt Vikram Batra was asked the same question in his SSB, he answered the same.

Capt Vikram Batra’s response was genuine. Capt Batra and his twin brother used to watch this 1980’s series called “Param Vir chakra” and it had a deep impact on both of them. His response was no fabrication.

To sum up, You will get to know your original response with self-introspection.

Lastly, “Be truthful- Be you” and you have better chances of getting recommended.

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  1. Sir my Reason is Training &Combat , because I read the stories, official war history and always curious about how they actually have done that .
    And same for Training that what they taught to cadets about combat and various other things.
    Jai Hind

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