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Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Why do candidates fail in SSB Screening 

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Why do candidates fail in SSB Screening 

Hello lads, hope you are doing great. In today’s blog, we are going to throw some light on common mistakes committed by candidates in the SSB screening which leads them to get screened out.

First of all, let me clear you that clearing an SSB is not any rocket science. It only requires common sense and shows them the real you that’s it.

Also being a Defence aspirant the most important thing that you must exude is confidence. The same is foremost required in the screening procedure as well.

candidates fail in ssb screening
What is screening in SSB?

For freshers or the candidates who are appearing for the SSB for the first time, let me tell you something about the screening.

  • When you go for the SSB interview the evaluation that took place during the first day is called the Screening.
  • The Screening test comprises of Officers Intelligence Rating test and the Picture Perception and Discussion test.
  • Almost 70-80% of candidates fail to clear the screening test.
  • The main aim of the screening is to filter the candidates and cope with the large numbers.
  • After the result of screening, those who get screened in are retained in the SSB for four/five more days for further tests.
  • On the other hand, the candidates who get screened out have to return the same day.
  • Therefore screening test is the stepping stone in your SSB and needs special practice to proceed further.
  • Following are the links for aspirants to clear all your doubts about the OIR test and the PPDT test of screening.
candidates fail in ssb screening
Some mistakes in Screening by the aspirants:
  • Firstly lack of confidence and self-belief.
  • Also, there is a myth among candidates that the OIR test sheets are not evaluated, but actually if you’ve scored more than 90% correct question in OIR you can consider yourself screened in.
  • Lack of preparation for the OIR test.
  • The dress code should be formal, you are there to become an officer, and so should be the seriousness.
  • Many candidates go for SSB very casually that is easily caught by the evaluators.
  • There is no competition you just have to show them the real you, don’t imitate others.
  • Not listening to Officers briefing or instructions.
  • Moving on to PPDT mistakes, the story having supernatural elements like the god, aliens etcetera.
  • Adding unnecessary calamities and disaster in your story unveils your negativity and pessimistic tendency.
  • Impracticality in the story like the hero fighting with 10-20 goons all alone.
  • Avoid getting nervous while narration, as it is just a test if you get nervous there what you would do in future when you have to lead your men in the front.
  • Lack of confidence while you narrate the story.
  • Getting stuck while narrating the story.
  • Not taking part in the Group discussion shows your lack of interest.
  • Don’t interrupt or dominate others in GD.
ssb screening
How to excel in screening?

Now the solutions to the above mistakes are discussed as follows:

  • Try to practice OIR test very seriously before appearing in the SSB.
  • Also, practice some sample PPDT pictures to get acquainted with the procedure.
  • Listen to each and every instruction of the Officer in the SSB.
  • Confidence is the key, but it comes with the practice.
  • Make stories simple and practical in PPDT, it could be also taken from real life incidences as it will be easy for you to recall and narrate as well.
  • Include your good qualities in the hero of the story.
  • For excelling in narration do practice in front of the mirror and record your narration using the phone, it will give you feedback as well.
  • Try to complete your entire story by 45 seconds to 1 minute.
  • If you get stuck in between of the narration you can use Hindi but revert to English immediately.
  • Try to give meaningful points in the GD. Don’t be a mute observer of the show.
  • Once you have given your points, let others also speak and give their points.
  • Never dominate anyone.
  • Appreciate others for good points.
  • Lastly whatever you do there do it with full energy and Josh amalgamated with the wisdom that will conquer you anything in SSB.

Hope this blog will help you in clearing all doubts about the screening procedure. This will surely help you in long run. All the best.

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