10 Habits that will make you better prepared for SSB interview
There is a reason why a cadet at some defence academies are called GC (Gentleman Cadet). A Gentleman is man of good courteous conduct. He possesses more qualities than an average person or at least have the ability to absorb those qualities. At SSB assessors are always in search of candidates having OLQs (Officer like Qualities)
Today we will learn about 10 habits that one can implement in his daily life to improve his attitude day by day and become a better prepared for SSB interview.
1) “A man who is a master of patience is master of everything else.”
You would have been enraged many a times in your life, but when you look back at those moments you will realise that being patient would have been the best choice. A gentleman is able to tolerate the worst moments. It is extremely difficult to have patience but if you do – you are master of everything.
2) “Don’t raise your voice. Improve your argument.”
Always get your facts clear before indulging into an argument. You will always win the argument in the politest tone if you are Correct and no matter how high your voice is, there is no point arguing for incorrect facts. Contrary to popular belief shouting and yelling at SSB interview puts you at no better position. Remember to not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.
3) “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.”
Even if you are one of the intelligent and smart looking person remember being kind and generous to everyone. Being kind is initial way to show respect to someone.
4) “Don’t hide your scars, they make you who you are.”
Your failures and struggle is your power and you should showcase rather than hiding them. People inspire only from those who had a tough time achieving their success.
5) “If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way.”
Do Your bit in a lively manner. Take pride in whatever little you do and it will make your life cheerful.
6) “Looking good isn’t self-importance; it’s self-respect.”
Don’t look good for someone else. Look good for yourself. Groom yourself and wear fine clothes on regular basis, you don’t have to do that on special occasions just to show it to some third person.

7) “Manners matter. Good looks are a bonus. Humor is a must.”
Let me explain this to you in a better manner. A cadet was interviewed by the Deputy president of the Board. The interviewing officer was convinced with his intelligence and other OLQs but doubted his temper. He asked him rapid fire questions and after receiving the response he asks this question –
Q : What do you have to say if your mother happens to be a prostitute ?
He smiled and answered “Sir, In that case my father would have been her only customer”.
This is called sense of humour. It helps to face adverse and awkward situations in a positive way. One would have reacted over the question and this just gives a hint to the IO that you have a little control over your temper. That kid was later recommended from the board although he did not perform well in GTO. Hence, humour is a MUST.
8) Lies run sprints, but the truth runs marathons.
You would have got away with lies many a times before but the lies are not going to work here at SSB. Assessors here are highly experienced and way more smarter for you to fool them. Be truthful always and it will keep you in better position.
9) Work hard in silence, let success be your noise.
Don’t boast about your achievements. Here’s an example to put it in a better way e.g which of the following will make you happier ?
- You bragging about your achievements to others
- You hearing from others about your achievements
Certainly second option will make you feel the pride.
10) A wise person knows that there is something to be learned from everyone.
There is a lot to learn from everyone. Talk to those who have good insights , better experience and good knowledge but at the same time also gain value from others failure. Believe it or not, if you are clever enough you can analyze and learn from daily life events.
People are always anticipating friends with such qualities. Assessors at SSB are always in search of cadets with such qualities. You have a officer within you, its just that you need to engender it. Someone said this beautiful line once – “Being male is a matter of birth. Being a man is a matter of age. But being a gentleman is a matter of choice”.
Make that choice Gentleman!
YES sir it helps me a lot but please can you tell how we can take initiative in all events with high confidence…..