Attempt the SSB OIR Test Quiz Online, passing percentage is 75% with a time limit of 15 minutes. Regarding answer explanation and doubt clearing, please drop the question number in the comment box.

#1. If number 2 is in bottom, then which number is on top?
#2. Pick the odd one out:
#3. Choose the correct option: DISTANCE : MILE ::

#4. Replace the “?” with correct option :

#5. From the given answer figures, select the one in which the question figure is hidden/ embedded.
#6. Select the best meaning of given word: DISTANT
#7. 18, 30, 43, 58, __, 96.

#8. Replace the “?” with correct option :
#9. Pick the odd one out:
#10. If JUNE is coded as LYTM, then BRAT is coded as

#11. Replace the “?” with correct option :

#12. Replace the “?” with correct option :
#13. 11, 15, 23, 35, __, 71.

#14. Replace the “?” with correct option :
#15. If POWER is coded as RLAZL, then CATCH is coded as

#16. Which number is in opposite plane of 2?

#17. From the given answer figures, select the one in which the question figure is hidden/embedded.

#18. Select the diagram which best illustrates the relationship between parrots, birds, and dogs.

#19. Select the answer figure in which the question figure is hidden/embedded.

#20. Select the diagram which best illustrates the relationship between dogs, pets, and animals.
Congratulations! Only a few could do it.
Grab current affairs and OIR Book that will help you succeed.
The Pattern of Quiz:
MON – Defence and Aviation Quiz
TUE – History/Geo/Polity
FRI – Static GK Quiz
SAT – Current Affairs Quiz
SUN – 50 Questions Test Series
Q no. 8 is wrong can you match the sequence till last, doesn’t match.
You have to answer the nearest similar sequence.
As distance is measured in Mile, the liquid is measured in the litre.
Can you provide me solutions of 1,5,7,11,19,20
Hey, please re-attempt the quiz and again comment on the doubt question no. Because the Quiz was shuffled previously.
Sir question no. 16, 12, 3, 2
Plzz give the expalnation🙏🏻
Hey, please re-attempt the quiz and again comment on the doubt question no. Because the Quiz was shuffled previously.
Sir when I will get the explanation
Please enter the updated question numbers.
please tell #8,11,14,16
cube root of 125 and 27 are 5 and 3.
Hence answer is 5-3=2
Consider A to Z as 1 to 26.
B=2 so 2*2=4, D =4
C=3 so 3*3=9, I=9
D=4 so 4*4=16, P=16
Upper section = 22+15+13 = 50
Lower section = 18+15+17 = 50
Add 15 to the lower section to equalize the 50 on both sides.
Compare both dices and analyse the position of 2 and 4, you will get the answer.
Amarnath sir, I left a few doubts in last week’s Thursday OIR (July 1 or 2) Could you please answer those?
Answered Prateek.
Sir could you please answer Q#4
Hey Prateek,
4- Replace the “?” with the correct option :
Add all numbers in the block, the sum will be 150.
similar to 2nd block, the sum will be 150.
Find the missing number in the 3rd block to complete the sum of 150.