Attempt the SSB OIR Test Quiz Online, passing percentage is 75% with a time limit of 15 minutes. Regarding answer explanation and doubt clearing, please drop the question number in the comment box.
#1. If SUKHOI is coded as UZSSCZ, then JAGUAR is coded as
#2. If DANGER is coded as AXKDBO, then INSERT is coded as
#3. If MUMBAI is coded as NTNABH, then BOMBAY is coded as
#4. Select the correct option: 10, 27, 44, __, 78, 95.
#5. Fill in the blanks: BCD, GHI, LMN, QRS, ___.
#6. Select the correct option : 4, 9, 20, 37, ___, 89 .
#7. Pick odd one out:
#8. If COVAXIN is coded as ASPINUZ, then MODERNA is coded as
#9. Pick the odd one out:
#10. Select the correct option : 15, 21, 39, 37, __, 53.
#11. Fill in the blanks: VU, PO, JI, DC, __ .

#12. Replace the “?” with correct option :
#13. Pick the odd one out:
#14. Select the correct option : 9, 40, 69, 100, ___, 160.

#15. Replace the “?” with correct option :
#16. NAME is coded as LDIJ, then LOCK is coded as
#17. Pick the odd one out:
#18. Pick the odd one out:
#19. Pick the odd one out:
#20. Pick the odd one out:
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Grab current affairs and OIR Book that will help you succeed.
The Pattern of Quiz:
MON – Defence and Aviation Quiz
TUE – History/Geo/Polity
FRI – Static GK Quiz
SAT – Current Affairs Quiz
SUN – 50 Questions Test Series
*options are wrong*
#16. NAME is coded as LDIJ, then LOCK is coded as
Hello Pragya, Please reattempt the Quiz.
10 and 12 solutions, please tell me.