Attempt the Current Affairs Quiz Online, passing percentage is 60%.
#1. Who has won the 2021 PGA Golf Championship?
#2. What is the name of tech platform launched for Indian UN Peacekeepers?
#3. Who has won the Monaco Grand Prix 2021?
#4. To develop a Earth System Observatory ISRO has partnered with which Space Association?
#5. Who is appointed as the new Prime Minister of Mali?
#6. Which Football team has won 2020-21 Premier league championships?
#7. The International Day of UN Peacekeepers is observed on?
#8. Who has won the Men’s Single title at Geneva Open Tennis Tournament?
#9. Which destroyer of Indian Navy got decommissioned recently?
#10. Who is elected as the new president of Syria?
#11. Who is appointed as first woman commanding officer in BRO?
#12. Which country will host FIFA U-17 Women’s Football World Cup in 2022?
#13. Which country has launched first ever Mega food park in India?
#14. Which Indian Scientist is conferred with “2020 International ENI Award”?
#15. Which Indian economist has been conferred with “2021 Princess of Asturias Award” by Spain?
#16. Which country has launched ocean satellite Haiyang-2D?
#17. Who is elected as the new Prime Minister of Republic of Congo?
#18. Who has won the La Liga Football title?
#19. Who has won the 10th Italian Open Tennis Title?
#20. What is the name of Covid-19 antibody detection developed by DRDO?
The Pattern of Quiz:
MON – Defence and Aviation Quiz
TUE – History/Geo/Polity
FRI – Static GK Quiz
SAT – Current Affairs Quiz
SUN – 50 Questions Test Series
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