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Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Use Of Social Media In Today’s World – Lecturette And GD Topic

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Use Of Social Media In Today’s World – Lecturette And GD Topic

Use of Social media in Today’s world. It is one of the Important lecturette and GD Topic in SSB interview. Social Media is the platform through which we connect to many people around the world. Nowadays, Social media is influencing the youth more than any other platforms. Social media comes with the many options that are really liked by the youths.

Nowadays, social media is playing a huge role in boosting the businesses, the ads and brand endorsements in the Facebook and Instagram. Analyzing the market through these platforms have been really easy these days. From small scale startups to big renowned companies amplify their business through these platforms as there is direct interaction with youth and their needs.

Apart from Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat, there are other social media platforms that really connects to the people of your diversity. Two of such platforms are Quora and LinkedIn. The platforms like Quora and LinkedIn are really the changing the mind and thinking of society.

Example: If you search UPSC preparation in Google, the results will not be that convincing. But if you search on Quora, the answers you get will be written by the UPSC Toppers itself. It will give you a better picture and an idea how to prepare. Sounds cool right.

Unemployment exists in India. The reasons are so many. But real and practical reason is that there is no proper connection between industry and a Job aspirant. Here comes the LinkedIn into the picture. Make a profile in LinkedIn, add your skills, put on your achievements, portray your interests and make connections with the Industry people. That’s it, if your profile is strong then job offers will be in your notifications. That’s amazing right. Even the platforms like Upwork and fiverr, where the people showcase their skills and get paid.

Use of Social media in Today’s world. But In India, a small part of youth are somewhere using these platforms for awful purposes. The social media bullying, the private chat rooms… etc are really taking the minds of youth in another way. Rather than concentrating on atrocious side of Social media, let’s make a best use of it. Because the youth constitute 50% of the total population in India.

Also Read : Top 51 Important Topics in Lecturette for upcoming SSBs

Also Read : The Leadership Guide : SSB interview




Start your SSB preparations with these specially curated ebooks.

Stage 1 SSB – SSB Oir ebook

SSB Psychology Test – Click Here

SSB Group Tasks  – Click Here

Thematic Apperception Test – Click Here

Situation Reaction Test – Click Here

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BlogsUse Of Social Media In Today’s World - Lecturette And GD Topic
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