Insignia of Indian Army Regiments
We are all aware that the Indian Army is divided into various regiments, each with its unique significance and insignia. A regiment is distinguished from another by its insignia and uniforms.
Moreover, the insignia of the regiment could be clearly seen on the beret. The insignia of a regiment speaks volumes. The insignia basically denotes the glorifying history of the regiment and also represent the regiment. Each of the regiment has their flags, battle honors, their rich customs, traditions, and rituals.
So let’s learn about the different regiments and their insignia without wasting any more of your time.
Following is the list of Indian Army regiments and their insignia:

- It is India’s first all-class mixed infantry regiment which currently consists of 21 battalions.
- The insignia of Brigade of Guards is a Garuda, which is an eagle.
- It simply unveils impetuous violent force, speed, and martial prowess.
- It is the airborne infantry division of the Indian Army, which was discussed in the earlier blogs.
- The Para has an open parachute as their regimental insignia.
- Moreover, in detail, the insignia has an open parachute and wings are spread out from the circle with a dagger superimposed on the parachute.
- The regiment basically gives the infantry battalion greater mobility.
- The regiment has BMP1 as their insignia.
- The insignia comprises of a rifle bayonet mounted on the BMP1 which unveils its combination of man and machine power simply.

- The Punjab regiment has a well-decorated history in Indian Army.
- It is the only regiment in the world with a naval symbol.
- The insignia comprises of a Galley with the bank of oars and sail, which was awarded to the regiment in 1824, in their readiness to serve overseas.
- The regimental insignia is the medieval Rajput weapon, Katar and bugle.
- Katar was used by wealthy Rajputs, so it shows their wealth and position.
- It is the senior most regiment of the Indian Army.
- The Sikh regiment uses the Chakra as their regimental insignia.
- The reason behind that is, the Khalsa army earlier used a Chakra in the combat, which is now taken as the insignia.
- The Chakra surrounds the lion which symbolizes the name Singh every Sikh carries.

- The Madras Regiment is the oldest regiment of the Indian Army.
- The insignia of Madras regiment is an elephant emblem which was awarded to them in the Assaye Battle.
- This simply symbolizes there fierce fighting skills.
- The regiment’s mode of combat by skirmishers made the crossed sword as their insignia.
- The insignia comprises of a bugle and cords with a pair of cross swords and a shield.
- It shows the light infantry mode of combat by skirmishers, controlled and order issued by bugles.
- This regiment has a well-decorated history and is known for their exceptional courage.
- The regiments insignia comprises of the cross Khukri’s, a Khukri is a melee weapon used by the Gurkha soldiers, which a long dagger.
- Therefore this simply shows the strength of the Gurkha soldier, who at the time are capable of sabotaging the enemy by using their khukri’s only.
- The regiment has the ninth position in the regimental hierarchy of the Army of the 1920’s.
- This reason made the roman numeral 9 as their insignia.
- The insignia also has a bugle, which indicates their willingness to orders.
- The Dogra pray Goddess Durga at their regimental centers.
- Therefore the insignia for the regiment is tiger which is a Vahan to goddess Durga.
- It is also a symbol of courage.
- The regiment is also one the most decorated regiment with 2 PVC’s.
- The regimental insignia is basically the demi-rampant lion, which was adopted from the coat of arms of Sir Henry Russel’s family.
- Assam is the only habitat to one-horned rhinoceros in the world.
- The regimental insignia is basically the one-horned rhinoceros which shows toughness, aggressiveness, determination, and martial qualities.

- The insignia of Bihar regiment is the Ashokan Lion.
- It had been taken as the insignia as the soil of Bihar is strongly linked to Ashoka the great ruler of the Mauryan empire.
- The youngest regiment of the Indian Army. It is also called as the Head Hunters.
- The prestigious animal of the north-east Mithun is a part of regiment insignia.
- The naga regiment basically has the Dah, the spear and the Mithun as their insignia.
- The Garhwal rifle is one of the most decorated infantry regiment of the Indian Army.
- The insignia of the regiment is basically a Maltese cross with Ashokan emblem.
- The Jammu and Kashmir rifles formerly belong to the princely state of J&K.
- It later dissolved in India.
- The regimental insignia basically is an oval embracing the sun, the state emblem with “Ever-victorious in war” written in Sanskrit.
- The Rajput Regiment comprises of troops primarily from the Rajput, Gujrar, and Yadav.
- The regimental insignia basically comprises of a pair of katars flanked by 3 Ashoka leaves on either side.
- The Grenadiers was formerly a part of Bombay Army but later dissolved to Indian Army.
- The Grenadiers are also known for winning Tiger Hill and Tololing features in Kargil.
- The insignia basically comprises of a brass grenade bearing white horse of Hanover.
Stay tuned to know the insignia of remaining regiments.
How come you left MAHAR, Sikkim, Ladakh, Arunachal regiments?