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Follow these tips for PIQ & personal interview in SSB

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Tips for PIQ and personal interview in SSB

Following are some of the important tips for PIQ (Personal Information Questionnaire) and personal interview.

  • While filling up PIQ, be very careful of facts, figures. Furthermore avoid spelling mistakes, cuttings/overwriting etc.
  • Each info appended by you should be correct and as per the questionnaire.
  • You should have good knowledge of those activities such as hobbies, sports and games and activities you fill up, as questions may be based on this information.

Many a times aspirants take hobbies and interests as substitutes of one another. However, both are different and not to be merged.

PIQ and personal interview in SSB

Body Language/Behaviour During Interview :

(a) Be Informed. While waiting for interview in waiting hall, recall the information and matter you may discuss. This will deviate your mind and will make you comfortable.

(b) When called for interview look at the watch for time, seek permission to enter and wish good morning or good afternoon as per the time.

(c) While sitting in front of interviewer sit with an “open guard” i.e. keep legs slightly apart, hands on the arms of chair or your thighs based on the comfort and head erect.

(d) Eye Contact. Eye contact is very important. Look into the eyes of the interviewer, do not look left/right while answering the question.

(e) Posture. Do not shake legs or play with your fingers or clutch your fingers. These are the signs of being nervous

PIQ and personal interview in SSB

(f)  Attitude. Maintain cheer on your face and do not loose your temper even if the Interviewer is trying to put pressure/corner you in a situation.

(g) Be Focused. Listen to the question being passed by the Interviewer carefully so as to comprehend the question in its eternity and reply complimentary. Do not ramble.

(h) At the end of interview, if given a choice to ask a question do not leave the opportunity, ask one relevant question. Do not go for blind silly stuff like what is your rank, your year of commission etc. Try and ask a question which may add to your knowledge regarding services you are going to join.

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