Polity questions for CDS/NDA exam. Attempt this quiz to increase your scores. The passing percentage is 70%. All the best.
#1. Money bill can be introduced in the state legislature with the prior consent of–
#2. The executive power of state are vested in the governor under article ;
#3. Which article defines the duties of the Chief Minister?
#4. Where was the first municipal corporation in India set up:
#5. The decison to conduct panchayat elections is taken by which of the following:
#6. Panchayati Raj has been given constitutional status under:
#7. Which of the subject lies in the concurrent list?
#8. English is the official language of which of the following state?
#9. How many types of emergencies are envisaged in constitution:
#10. The council of ministers does not include:
#11. Who held the office of Vice-President for two consecutive terms:
#12. Which article of Indian Constitution enumerates Fundamental Duties of Indian Citizens?
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