CDS 2 2021 Exam Result
UPSC has declared the CDS 2 2021 result at its official website on 22nd Dec 2021. On the basis of the results of the CDS (II), 2021 held by the Union Public Service Commission on 14th Nov 2021, a total of 6845 candidates have qualified for being interviewed by the Service Selection Board. Candidates who have appeared in the CDS 2 2021 Exam can download their results from the link given below.
As per the UPSC 6845 qualified candidates of CDS (II) Exam will have to submit the original certificates in support of age (Date of Birth), educational qualifications, NCC and other certificates as per requirements. Candidates should note that all the candidates who have successfully qualified in the written exam are required to register themselves online on the Indian Army Recruiting website within two weeks of announcement of written result.
Must Read : How To Crack CDS In First Attempt
Candidates who qualified in the written exam and given their first choice as Army (IMA/OTA) are required to register themselves online on the Recruiting Directorate’s website in order to enable them to receive call up information for SSB interview. Those candidates who have already registered on the recruiting directorate website are advised not to register again.
The marks-sheet of candidates who have not qualified, will be put on the Commission’s website within 15 days from the date of publication of the final result of OTA (after conducting SSB Interview) and will remain available on the website for a period of 30 days.
Process to check UPSC CDS Result :
- Visit the official website i.e.
- Click on the result section of the website available on the screen.
- A New Window will open with the PDF of the result.
- Check your Roll Number in the PDF.
- Take Print Out of your result.