Hindi in SSB ? Is it advisable?
Can we speak in HINDI in SSB interview? Well this is a common doubt that arise in every aspirants mind who is either good at Hindi or weak in English. To begin with, Service selection Board advises you to speak in “ENGLISH”. However, it is not a compulsion.
Furthermore, one cannot use Regional languages but you may speak in Hindi if you are already poor in English. You can also use HINGLISH (mixture of Hindi & English), however it may become a little complex over time. Therefore it may or may not work for you.

The best option is to try your best to speak in English. Show your effort at least. In cases where you feel you are stuck in a sentence, you may use Hindi until the point you are comfortable back again. If you are a good orator, it is definitely going to make an impact on officers and other aspirants as well. One must understand this that an Orator is not identified by the language, rather he is identified by the communication techniques he uses to influence others.
Lastly, you aren’t late yet. If you still want to improve your communication skills then start focusing on key areas on daily basis. Start improving gradually day by day.
Download Free Ultimate English eBook Now! by clicking here. “No one is perfect in any language. You just become better day by day”. It depends on you how better you want to become. Don’t forget to share this with your friends.
Nice suggestion 👍🙏
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