Attempt the Free SSB OIR Test Quiz Online, the passing percentage is 70% with a time limit of 10 minutes.

#1. Which number is opposite of 6?

#2. Which of the following Venn-diagram illustrates the relationship between football fans, cricket players, and students?

#3. Select the answer figure in which the question figure is hidden ?
#4. Pointing towards a portrait of a woman, Pranav said,” she is the daughter of the only son of my father.” How is Pranav related to that woman?
#5. That which cannot be corrected

#6. Replace the “?” with correct option :
#7. One day at 2 P.M. Rahul and Sachin were talking to each other face to face. If Rahul’s shadow was exactly to the left of Sachin, which direction Rahul was facing?
#8. Safe : Secure :: Protect : ?

#9. Replace the “?” with correct option :

#10. Which number is opposite of 6?

#11. Which of the following diagrams correctly shows the relationship between potato, food, and vegetables?
#12. The part of government which is concerned with making of rules

#13. Replace the “?” with correct option :

#14. Select the answer figure in which the question figure is hidden ?
#15. 31, 60, 93, 130, ___, 216.
#16. 11, 15, 23, 35, __, 71.
#17. If SPIT is coded as PIXE, then SPAM is coded as
#18. If JUNE is coded as LYTM, then BRAT is coded as

#19. Replace the “?” with correct option :

#20. Replace the “?” with correct option :
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The Pattern of Quiz:
MON – Defence and Aviation Quiz
TUE – History/Geo/Polity
FRI – Static GK Quiz
SAT – Current Affairs Quiz
SUN – 50 Questions Test Series
For 7
Please give ans to the coding
Please Clarify Q 7 and 9
Respected Sir 🙏🏻
Its my humble request to you to give the explanation of the answers along the result, so that we can understand the pattern and correct it.
Thank You 🙏🏻