Start Quiz by clicking the button below
#1. Pick odd one out:
#2. Pick odd one out:

#3. Select the missing block from below options :
#4. 56, 67, 75, 88, ____, 109.
#5. If MOUSE is coded as KQSUC, then TIGER is coded as
#6. If YOUTUBE is coded as UOUOUAE, then HISTORY is coded as

#7. Select the missing block from below options :
#8. 1, 4, 9, 16, ___, 36.
#9. 0, 3, 12, 39, 120, 363, ___
#10. If DUCK is coded as HYGO, then AGED is coded as
#11. If WARSHIP is coded as XCUWMOX, then FRESHER is coded as
#12. Pick odd one out: HQs
#13. 5, 25, 125, 625, 3125, _____ .

#14. Select the missing block from below options :
#15. Pick odd one out:
#16. Pick odd one out: Rainbow Colors
#17. Pick odd one out:
#18. If RABBIT is coded as UXEYLQ, then DELETE is coded as
#19. Pick odd one out:
#20. Pick odd one out: European Union

#21. Select the missing block from below options :
#22. 1, 8, 27, 64, 125, ____ .

#23. Select the missing block from below options :
#24. Pick odd one out: Aircrafts of IAF
#25. Pick odd one out:
The Pattern of Quiz:
MON – Defence and Aviation Quiz
TUE – History/Geo/Polity
FRI – Static GK Quiz
SAT – Current Affairs Quiz
SUN – 50 Questions Test Series
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Explaination of QNO.7 please