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Sunday, March 30, 2025

Armed Forces To Showcase Solidarity With Corona Warriors

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Armed Forces To Showcase Solidarity With Corona Warriors

A press conference was conducted in Delhi wherein Gen Bipin Rawat, CDS accompanied by Gen MM Naravane, Chief of Army Staff, Admiral Karambir Singh, Chief of Naval Staff, Air Chief Marshal RKS Bhadauria, Chief of Air Staff addressed the média to acknowledge the efforts of the Corona Warriors and vowed to continue the support of front-line warriors to them in the coming days. The essence of the press conference is given in subsequent paras.

Gen Bipin Rawat, CDS stated that the period from 24 March 2020 to 03 May 2020 signifies a period when considerable sacrifice was asked from every Indian. Most Indians heeded the call for lockdown and worked from home. There are however a handful of Indians, ‘the Corona Warriors’, who risked and are still risking their lives everyday to ensure that basic amenities such as electricity and water are delivered to everyone, that the streets are clean, that basic food items are available, that no patient is returned untreated, that law and order is maintained and that Indian citizens stranded abroad are brought back and cared for. These Corona warriors be it the doctors, nurses, hygiene and sanitation staff, police personnel or media personnel, they have ensured that India keeps on fighting this pandemic. We salute these warriors and their efforts and wish them the best of health. We are grateful for their sacrifice and their efforts in fighting COVID-19, knowing fully well the dangers that they face.

CDS added that supplementing the massive efforts of the Indian government in facing and defeating the pandemic, the commendable restraint shown by our citizens in strictly adhering to all laid down instructions have ensured that the country is well on its way to ‘flatten the curve’ and has fared much better than most countries globally.

CDS also assured that the armed forces are fighting COVID-19 according to two principles: Force Preservation and Assistance to Civil Authorities. While replying to a query, he added that not even one soldier, sailor or airman in the frontline is affected and that Armed Forces are fully prepared for all challenges. Air Chief while answering a query confirmed that not even one case of Covid has been reported in the force and that the guard is up to keep the same.

CDS further added that to show the solidarity of the frontline soldiers with the Corona Warriors some activities shall be undertaken by the Armed Forces on 03 May 20. On Sunday, the armed forces will be organising multiple events like fly past by fighter and transport aircrafts of the IAF from Srinagar to Thiruvanthapuram, and from Dibrugaarh to Kacchh. The helicopters from IAF and IN shall be showering flower petals on the Hospitals treating Covid patients. The Navy and ICG shall move ships in formations at sea at select locations while Army bands shall visit COVID hospitals and play tunes outside the hospitals in an expression of gratitude to the Corona Warriors.

While talking of the contribution of the police personnel, CDS thanked all stating that an exceptional and heroic effort has been put in by them too. To honour their effort, all three service Chiefs shall be laying wreath at the Police Memorial on the morning of 3rd May 2020. Before closing the conference, CDS again thanked all Corona Warriors be it Doctors, Nurses, other health workers, hygiene and sanitation staff, police personnel, media personnel and all Indians for a remarkable effort in this unprecedented fight.




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NewsArmed Forces To Showcase Solidarity With Corona Warriors
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