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Recommended Twice In Two Consecutive Attempts

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Recommended Twice In Two Consecutive Attempts

Hello friends, I am Ayush Patil, recommended for TES-43 from 24 SSB Bangalore on 6th January 2020 and for NDA-144 Army from 34 SSB Allahabad on 31st January 2020. I was declared medically fit for both courses from CHAF Bangalore and MH Allahabad. I was conferenced out thrice before getting recommended. I’m currently staying in Pune and cleared my 12th exams last year in 2019 from Pune itself.

My journey of SSB’s has been full of ups and downs. I would like to share my journey with all the defence aspirants and those who wish to join the defence forces.

I was motivated right from grade 6th to join the defence forces. I was preparing for JEE mains in standard 11th and 12th. While pursuing 12th I applied for the NDA-142 course written exam. I was appointed Mumbai as my centre for the exam. I gave my exam and was pretty sure I would clear it as I had prepared very well and was strong in mathematics. I cleared my written and was assigned Allahabad as my SSB centre. I had worked hard and had prepared well for my SSB. I had taken coaching from Apex careers in Pune under the guidance of Colonel Pradeep Bramhankar.

ALSO READ : List Of Common Mistakes Committed By A Candidate During SSB

I gave my SSB with full josh. But at the end of five days I was disappointed on not hearing my name in the recommended candidates list. I was disappointed and could not think why I was unable to make it. After returning home I analysed my performance and got to know that I was unable to perform in GTO. With all my might I started preparing for my next attempt NDA-143. For the second time I cleared my written and got my centre as Allahabad. I was a bit nervous on getting the same centre again. My SSB was in September. Again I started my preparation. For the second time I was conferenced out. Sad and upset I returned home and didn’t know what next.

I had a third attempt for Navy tech entry scheduled in October in Bangalore. I prepared for Navy SSB this time. For the third time I was unable to make it. I was very disappointed and not able to think where I went wrong. Meanwhile I had applied for TES-43 Notification. Fortunately the cut-off for TES-43 went down to 79% and I had qualified for the SSB. I was appointed Bangalore as the centre. This time I decided to give my best and improve on all the things I had done wrong in my previous SSB’s. I had met a recommended candidate for NDA-143 in my Navy tech attempt whose name was Ayan Haider Zaidi. I contacted him and took guidance for psychology and GTO techniques. He gave me appropriate guidance and help.

ALSO READ : Recommended In First Attempt For Indian Army (TES – 43)

My SSB was scheduled on 2nd January 2020. About 143 candidates reported on the first day. The next day was our screening test. I gave my best in OIR tests. The next was PP&DT. I had written a short and crisp story. During the group round I narrated my story confidently and took active part in group discussion. There will be a fish market situation but the only way out is being calm, listening to everyone and choosing good points and forming a good group story acceptable to everyone. With this the results came out and 16 candidates were screened in. My chest number was 15.

The next day was our psychology tests. I had prepared my SDT beforehand. I went through it the night before. The next day tests started with TAT. I wrote good stories as I had practiced and was able to complete all the stories. In WAT I was able to attempt 52 words. I attempted 46 SRT’s in all. I completed my SDT in time. After the tests I was happy with my performance. The next day on the GTO day I spoke adequately in GD round and our group was cooperative enough. In GPE I gave valuable ideas in the group plan. In PGT I gave ideas wherever the group got stuck. In my lecturette I spoke confidently on consumer rights. I did 14 individual obstacles and was very happy with my performance. I got a circular command task and had to get out of the circle with help of subordinates and helping material. I completed it successfully.

Get Recommended By GTO Without Any Coaching : Download eBook

On the 4th day after GTO I had my interview. I was a bit nervous before the interview but then gained confidence. My interview went on for about 20 minutes. I was interviewed by the deputy president of 24 SSB. I was questioned about my life, my previous attempts and all. I came out and was thinking whether I would make it or not. That night all the candidates were enjoying the last day. We slept late that night. The next day was the D Day. The conference started nearly at 9 AM. I was the second last. I went in and was asked about my stay. My conference was held for about 30 seconds. I came out and saw nervous faces and I was one amongst them. After everyone was done we were made to sit in the room where results were to be declared. All of us were very nervous.

The technical officer came in and gave a small talk about the process and all. He then opened the file and told that the one whose chest number is called has to come up and spell their name. The officer started. Chest number 15 he said. For a while I didn’t realise that I was the one. When I realised that I was recommended I was shocked and happy as well. I spelled my name and went forward. The officer then closed the file and said “Gentlemen that’s it only one of you has been recommended.” I was even more shocked on hearing this. The officer went out and everyone congratulated me. As soon as I called my parents who were waiting for my call they became even happier than me. I then thought that I had achieved something. My medicals were conducted and I was declared medically fit.

I returned home and now I had one aim- To clear my NDA SSB on 27th January in Allahabad.

I was confident this time.

Nearly 46 candidates reported on day 1.

The next day was screening. We were divided into groups of 10 each. The PP&DT was done. After the results were out 25 were screened in. I was given chest number 1. I was sure that I will be the first one to be interviewed. So I prepared for my interview the night before psychology tests. I gave my best the next day in psychology tests. I attempted all TAT stories, attempted 53 WAT, 47 SRT’s and the same SDT. After the tests as expected I was called for the personal interview. It went on for nearly 15 minutes. I was asked about my previous SSB’s and all. Then I was asked about general awareness which I was unable to answer. Here the IO started pressurizing me but I maintained my cool and said “Sorry Sir! I do not know the answer.” After the interview ended I was a bit afraid that I was unable to answer the GS questions.

Set Of Original SRT’s With Their Solution : Download Now

The next day my GTO went very smoothly similar to the TES attempt. I gave ideas wherever needed. I gave my lecturette on social media. I attempted 16 individual obstacles. I had performed very well in GTO. At the end of 4th day everything got over and that night tension was in the air. Then too we enjoyed our last night together. The conference started at 8:30 AM. I was the first to go in. The conference went on for about 30 seconds with usual questions like stay and all. After everyone was done we were seated back in the same room.

The technical officer came in. He opened his file and started calling the chest numbers. The first was chest number 25. Next he called chest number 2. Here I thought that again I was going home as he had directly called chest number 2. I was sitting with my face down when I heard “CHEST NUMBER 1”. That was the best feeling of my life. I had finally got what I wanted. I was on the seventh heaven. I told my parents who were happy too. After 8 days I was declared medically fit by MH Allahabad.

All these SSB’s have taught me that that winning or losing doesn’t matter. What matters is after facing failure how we get up and fight back despite all odds.

Hope this helps you and you too give your best in the SSB’s to come in future.

Thank you. Best of luck




Start your SSB preparations with these specially curated ebooks.

Stage 1 SSB – SSB Oir ebook

SSB Psychology Test – Click Here

SSB Group Tasks  – Click Here

Thematic Apperception Test – Click Here

Situation Reaction Test – Click Here

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HeroesRecommended Twice In Two Consecutive Attempts
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