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Tuesday, March 25, 2025

How to improve English communication skills for SSB Interview

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How to improve English communication skills for SSB Interview

In today’s blog, we are going to discuss how to improve your English communication skills which are very important for the SSB point of view. The way you deliver your answer in the SSB interviews simply shows your intellect and the power of expression.

This factor definitely helps a candidate and gives them an upper edge in the interview.

Many aspirants are exceptionally good but the place where they lag is in communication, due to which they are not able to share their views with others.

English communication is not only limited to SSB or Defence only but also plays a pivotal role in other organizations.

improve English communication skills for SSB
Importance of English in SSB and Defence career
  • The English language is very important in the SSB interview. Almost all the test have English as the medium of communication.
  • An Officer must be well versed in the English language so that he/she could represent their troops as well as seniors.
  • An officer is a leader and a good leader must have a gift of gab like leaders like Sam Manekshaw.
  • Power of Expression is also an OLQ that is desired from an officer that comes with good English.
  • English is an international language so knowing the language helps an officer in foreign missions or even in exercise with other nations.
 Some of the reasons why we face problem in speaking English
  • Firstly, we are being inclined to our native languages more be it Hindi or any other regional dialects.
  • Secondly, many people escape from speaking in English or even discourage the one who is at least speaking it.
  • Also, many people are born and brought up in families and surroundings where English is less spoken.
  • Many also stuck while speaking English because they first think their ideas in native language and then try hard to translate it to English.
  • Lack of knowledge about the language is also a reason.
improve English communication skills for SSB
 How to improve English easily

To learn any language we, first of all, need four mantras that are needed to be followed religiously also.

These mantras are:

  • In order to improve your English communication, start with reading some productive things like newspaper or some novels.
  • In order to improve your English communication, start with reading some productive things like newspaper or some novels.
  • Underline the new words and note their meanings and search how to use that particular word.
  • Try to use these words in your writing or while speaking.
  • The more you read the more you learn.
  • Try to read for at least 30 minutes every day it will definitely help.
improve English communication skills for SSB
  • Along with reading try to write in the English language also.
  • As writing things helps us to recall things in the future.
  • To improve English for SSB try to frame your ideas by writing so that you can convey your ideas there easily.
  • You can also frame the answers of some common questions asked in the interview as well it will definitely help in the future.
  • Writing things also tells us about the grammatical mistakes done which we ignore many a time while speaking a language.
  • You can also try writing your own views about hot national and international topics.
  • It will serve the purpose of improving your language as well as adding up to your knowledge that will help you in the SSB also.
  • Also listening to a language tells us about how to speak a particular word.
  • Speaking a word with appropriate phonetics creates a good impression to the listener for which listening is required.
  • Also, it helps us remind the correct usage of words.
  • Try to watch some good English films, documentaries, Debates, motivational talks with subtitles.
  • Also, listen to the audios of great leaders and learn how to address the people.
  • Listening to English songs also help you learn the correct usage of the language.
improve English communication skills for SSB
Start Your SSB Preparation With The Original material
  • Speaking is the application of all that we have learned.
  • The things we have read, write, listened are showcased by what we speak.
  • Speaking also makes us comfortable with the language and reduces the nervousness.
  • To improve your speaking skills try to narrate a topic, PPDT story, interview answers or lecturette topic in front of a mirror.
  • Also try to make a culture among your friends to communicate in English, as the more you practice the more you become better.
  • If you do mistakes while speaking or even people can mock you for that try to ignore and learn from the mistakes and improve the next time.
  • You can also make a group of friends and could do GD and PPDT sessions weekly which will help you get comfortable with the language.
  • Also, do mock interview sessions with your friends or even some elderly experienced person.

For the best result, practice reading, writing, listening and speaking simultaneously, it will surely give you a good command over the English language.

Download the Free Ultimate English e-Book for more such tips

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