NDA & NA 1 2022 Admit Card
NDA & NA 1 2022 Admit Card released by UPSC. The Union Public Service Commission will be conducting the National Defence Academy and Naval Academy Examination (I) 2022 at various Centres/Venues all over India on 10th April, 2022 (Sunday). The Commission has uploaded the e-Admit card for the convenience of the admitted candidates on the Commission’s website.
The admitted candidates are advised to download their e-Admit Cards for the Examination and take a printout thereof. The admitted candidates will have to produce the printout of their e-Admit Card at the allotted Venue for appearing in the Examination, along with Photo Identity Card mentioned in the e-Admit Card.
In case, the photograph is not visible/blurred or not available on the e-Admit Card, candidates are advised to carry two (2) identical photographs (one photograph for each session). No paper Admit Card will be issued for the Examination by the Commission. In case of any discrepancy is noticed in the e-Admit Card, the same may be communicated to the Commission immediately at e-mail ID usnda-upsc@nic.in
It may also be noted that entry into the Examination Venue shall be closed 10 minutes before the scheduled commencement of the NDA Examination i.e. 09.50 A.M. for the Forenoon Session and 01.50 P.M. for the Afternoon Session. No candidate shall be allowed the entry into the Examination Venue after closure of the entry.

Candidates should also note that they shall not be allowed to appear at any other Examination venue except the Examination venue mentioned in the e-Admit Card.
Candidates are also advised to bring Black Ball Point Pen as the candidates shall be required to fill the Attendance List and the OMR Answer Sheet with Black Ball Point Pen only.
Download NDA & NA (1) 2022 Admit Card : Click Here