Important Military Exercises Questions For CDS/NDA. Attempt this quiz to increase your scores. The passing percentage is 70%. All the best.
#1. Konkan naval exercise is conducted between which two countries?
#2. Garuda shakti is a military exercise between India and:
#3. Hand in Hand exercise is between India and :
#4. SIMBEX is a military exercise between India and:
#5. Dharma Guardian is an exercise between India and :
#6. Yudh Abhyas is a military exercise between India and;
#7. JME training exercise “Ajeya warrior 2020” was carried out between which of the following?
#8. Sampriti exercise is between India and :
#9. Mitra Shakti exercise is between India and :
#10. Maitree exercise is between India and :
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