Chemistry questions for CDS/NDA exam. Attempt this quiz to increase your scores. The passing percentage is 70%. All the best.
#1. Which of the following is a good lubricant?
#2. The atomic theory of matter was first proposed by?
#3. Bagasse,a by-product of sugar manufacturing industry,is used for the production of?
#4. What type of mixture is smoke?
#5. Which element forms the highest number of compounds in the periodic table?
#6. In tritium (t),the number of protons (p) and neutrons (n) respectively are?
#7. The gas which turns lime water milky is?
#8. Fire fly gives us cold light by virtue of the phenomenon of?
#9. Which one among the following will you put into pure water in order to pass electric current through it?
#10. Which one among the following would expand the most on being heated?
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