How to do Narration (PPDT) in SSB Screening
Narration is a key factor in SSB Screening and being a defence aspirant you need to be well aware of the Do’s and Dont’s of narration. As a part of screening test, Once the story is written, members of the group sit in a semi-circle where three assessor monitor and observe their actions. Each candidate is given a minute to narrate his story. Many go blank at this point while some get nervous.
Sample Narration
Gentlemen, I perceived …… characters in this picture out of which so many are Male/female in ……. age group having ……. mood. Action of my story is ……….. and my story is …………………. and I’m sure many would agree with me.
Thank You

1. Keep your head straight and try looking at everyone at least once (Not an eye-to-eye contact)
2. Keep the intention of briefing others instead of thinking it as an obligation or test
3. If some one has given a better story be courageous enough and appreciate the same.
4. Have the intention of explaining the matter to everyone.

1. Never criticize other’s story
2. You don’t have to keep that fake smile on your face, be serious in what you are explaining
3. Do not look down while speaking
4. Go on with confidence even if you have crumpled everything
Take it as a challenge that you have to narrate in a way that everyone remembers your story. A successful narration is only when you are able to put up your content irrespective of the fact that your choice of words and rhythm of sentence aren’t upto the mark. At the end your fancy sentences and exceptional words are of no use when others are finding it difficult to grasp what you said.
Crux is that you being a officer, will be leading more than 100 men under your command. Therefore, Assessors are looking for that quality in you wherein you have the potential and ability to explain or present a plan with confidence. This can only happen when you can grab everyone’s attention Look at the picture below and assume that the commanding officer is nervous and uncomfortable. would you like to be under such command?
You need to have that attentive look on your face. Always remember that there is nothing to get embarrassed about. Specially circumstances such as split of tongue are common and whenever you are in such a situation – completely ignore them and continue narrating confidently.
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