Attempt the Important AFCAT Static GK Test Online, the passing percentage is 75%.
#1. Which is the Largest Public Sector Bank in India?
#2. The Longest Canal in India is located at
#3. The Highest Battle Field in India is located at
#4. Which is the Highest Gallantry Award in India?
#5. Which is the Longest Highway in India?
#6. Which is the Longest Beach in India?
#7. Which is the Highest Waterfall in India?
#8. Which is the Largest Port is India?
#9. Which is the Longest Tributary river of India?
#10. Which is the largest Military Airbase in India?
#11. Which is the Longest Railway Route in India?
#12. Which is the Highest Civilian Award in India?
#13. Which is Smallest State in terms of population?
#14. The Largest Museum in India is located at
#15. Where is the Highest Airport in terms of altitude is located in India?
#16. Which state has the longest coastline in India?
#17. The Largest Dome in India is located at
#18. The Largest Cricket Stadium in India is located at
#19. The Biggest Cave temple in India is located at
#20. Which is the Tallest Statue in India?
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The Pattern of Quiz:
MON – Defence and Aviation Quiz
TUE – History/Geo/Polity
FRI – Static GK Quiz
SAT – Current Affairs Quiz
SUN – 50 Questions Test Series
questions ask in test very nice …and up to the mark..