Attempt the Static GK Test Quiz Online, passing percentage is 70%.
#1. Which one of the following is the largest composition in Biogas?
#2. Where is Victoria Memorial located?
#3. The Indian National Congress was formed in the year?
#4. In which year, Second Battle of Tarain was fought?
#5. Where is Bibi Ka Maqbara located?
#6. Which one of following acids is produced in human stomach?
#7. Where is Mehrangarh Fort located?
#8. Which is city is recognized as 2020 Tree City of World?
#9. In which year, Gandhi–Irwin Pact happened?
#10. Which Act during Independence movement was known as “Black Bills”?
#11. Where is famous Jagannatha Temple located?
#12. Where is famous Amazon Rain forest located?
#13. Where is Fatehpur Sikri located?
#14. The Freedom Movement “Sepoy Mutiny” happened in the year?
#15. River Nile is located in which continent?
#16. Where is Saint George Fort located?
#17. Who was the viceroy of India during time of Gandhiji’s Dandi March?
#18. Where are Ajanta and Ellora caves located?
#19. Where is Elephanta Caves located?
#20. In which year, Kakori conspiracy happened?
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The Pattern of Quiz:
MON – Defence and Aviation Quiz
TUE – History/Geo/Polity
FRI – Static GK Quiz
SAT – Current Affairs Quiz
SUN – 50 Questions Test Series
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