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Thursday, March 6, 2025

Crack NDA 2023 with Study Plan, Books & Blueprint

Bestseller Books For Your preparation

How to Crack NDA with Mission NDA book was discussed in detail recently. Click here to read : “How to Crack NDA in first attempt”

In today’s blog we are going to see how one can make effective study plan with these two Books

Beginning with Mathematics we will first see chapter wise weightage of NDA Mathematics Syllabus. The table below gives a clear representation of average weightage of each chapter in Mathematics

NDA Mathematics chapter wise weightage

ChapterWeightage (Questions)
Relations, Functions3
Complex numbers3
Quadratic equation2
Sequence & series3
Permutation Combination3
Binary system2
Binomial theorem2
Inverse trigonometry10
Straight lines3
Conic sections5
3D Geometry2
Properties of triangle2
Cartesian system3
Metrics and determinants 10
vector algebra 7
Limits derivatives3
Continuity differentiability 3
Application of derivatives3
Application of integrals4
Differential equation5
Probability 5
Graphical representation5

NDA Mathematics study Plan

Firstly, go through chapter fundamentals, formulas and try to memorise concept as much as you can. It’s perfectly alright if you aren’t thorough with them at this point.

Next, come to practice exercise Level – 1 questions. At first try to solve them and circle the one’s you are unable to answer. After finishing level 1, check solution and see if you can solve it now. If you are unable to solve even at this point then double circle those questions because you are not clear with that concept.

Similarly follow the approach for level – 2 and level 3. Lastly, when you have finished the chapter, solve the circled questions again. This way you’ll know what are your weak points in particular chapter and you can work on them subsequently.

In Mission NDA book, level 1 refers to beginner level (easy), level 2 is moderate (medium difficulty) and level 3 is tough (difficult). 120 Questions carry equal marks in NDA Exam. However, they aren’t equally difficult. Majority of NDA Aspirants aren’t aware that NDA mathematics paper is made with 30-40-30 pattern i.e 30% Questions are easy, 40% Questions are moderate while 30% are difficult to solve.

Apart from this, Mission NDA Book also contains 100+ Repeated Questions, these are the questions that have come repeatedly either with exact same figure or with similar concept.

At the end, solve practice previous year question papers properly by setting 2hrs 30 min time to check your score. Following this approach your confidence will be sky high and you will easily be able to score 170+

crack nda 2023

NDA GAT Study Plan

SubjectWeightage (Questions)
Current Affairs 8
Physics 24
Chemistry 14

Mission NDA GK is completely point to point and hence you utilise time in the most effective manner. Every section of General Knowledge is in point to point manner.

Firstly, you should begin with one section e.g Geography and then move to 5000+ MCQs book to practice entire geography section.

Follow this same approach for every other section of GK i.e History, polity, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics. You can do that easily as both Mission NDA Gk and 5000+ MCQs are designed in synchronisation.

Lastly, do model test GK papers in Mission NDA book.

Out of 100 GK questions you can easily answer at least 50 correct answers fetching you 200+ Marks

NDA English Study Plan

TopicsWeightage (Questions)
Error detection10
Ordering sentences5
Fill ups5
Idioms and phrases10

Out of 50 questions asked in English even if you can attempt 30+ Questions it will add 120+ Marks to your total score.

Strategy for NDA English is simple. Read any fiction book throughout your preperation and side by side solve English exercises in each section. Read any book of your interest. Not only you’ll enjoy reading but you will also develop this habit of reading and writing correct English. You’ll do much better in spotting errors, sentence improvement, passage, fill ups, synonym antonym.

Above all, you have to make a time table that suits your daily schedule. NDA preparation can be done with as few as 3 months to as much as 8-10 months. It entirely depends on the time you devote to your day to day progress.

nda cadet study room at NDA Khadakwasla
cadet room at national defence academy
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BlogsCrack NDA 2023 with Study Plan, Books & Blueprint


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