Attempt the Mega DDE Quiz Online, passing percentage is 70% with a time limit of 40 Minutes.
#1. Where was the Aero India Air show and Defence Exhibition 2021 was held?
#2. Who has won 2021 UN Land for Life Award?
#3. Which one of the following cricketer is selected as Brand Ambassador of OnePlus?
#4. Sunil Chettri excels in which one of the following sports?
#5. Where is Western Naval Command is located?
#6. What was the theme for World Environment Day 2021?
#7. Which Indian economist has been conferred with “2021 Princess of Asturias Award” by Spain?
#8. Who is appointed as the new President of Cuba?
#9. Which state is the largest producer of Iron ore in India?
#10. Which cricketer has started the Cricket Coaching and Learn Portal “Cricuru” for younger players?
#11. Cell Wall is not present in cells of
#12. Who has hosted Global G20 Summit virtually?
#13. Raimona National Park has become sixth national park of which State?
#14. What is the full form of “NITI” in NITI Aayog?
#15. Where is Keoladeo National Park located?
#16. Who is the present Chairman of Defence Acquisition Council?
#17. The property of the sound waves that determines the pitch of the sound is
#18. Who has won 2021 French Grand Prix?
#19. Which water body separates the Andaman and Nicobar Islands?
#20. Koneru Humpy excels in which one of the following sports?
#21. The Headquarters of South Western Railway is located at?
#22. What is the name of rotary wing Aerobatic team of Indian Air Force?
#23. Who is present Governor of Reserve Bank of India (RBI) ?
#24. Which one of the following is correct about “Pinaka” ?
#25. Who has won French Open Tennis Title 2021?
#26. Pick the odd one out : QUAD countries
#27. Where is Mount Nyiragongo the Active Volcano is located?
#28. Which one of the following Indian states does NOT share International border with two or more countries?
#29. What was the code name given to the first ever tri-service military exercise between India and USA?
#30. The ship floats on what principle?
#31. Which state has won “E-Panchayat Puraskar 2021”?
#32. Where is Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration (LBSNAA) is located?
#33. Who is honoured with “WHO Director-General Special Recognition Award” on World Tobacco Day?
#34. Which one of the following countries is called as the “country of winds”?
#35. The Cyclone “Burevi” which hit the southern coast of India, Which Country has given the Name “Burevi”?
#36. “Naseem-Al-Bahr” is a bilateral Naval Exercise between India and
#37. Which two cities of India has won Smart city award 2020 jointly?
#38. Which State has secured first place in Smart city awards 2020?
#39. Who is named as Captain of Indian Men’s Hockey team for Olympics?
#40. Cyclone Yass which recently hit Indian North of Eastern Coast. The Yass name is given by which Country?
#41. The Panama Canal opened in 1914, links
#42. Who is named as Captain of Indian Women’s Hockey team for Olympics?
#43. Where is Kaiga Nuclear Power Plant located?
#44. Which Indian Wrestler has clinched Gold medal in Poland Open?
#45. Which country has replaced Maldives to host the 2023 Indian Ocean Island Games?
#46. Where is Manas National Park located?
#47. Which Airport has won honour in Airport Service Quality?
#48. Farkhor Air Base, India’s Military Airbase situated in which Foreign Country?
#49. Where is Panna National Park / Tiger Reserve located?
#50. Which city will host Indian Grand Prix 4 Athletic Competition?
The Pattern of Quiz:
MON – Defence and Aviation Quiz
TUE – History/Geo/Polity
FRI – Static GK Quiz
SAT – Current Affairs Quiz
SUN – 50 Questions Test Series
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