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Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Recommended In Second Attempt For OTA Gaya (TES 43)

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Recommended In Second Attempt For OTA Gaya (TES 43)

SSB Experience of Pratham Singh recommended in second attempt from 17 SSB Bangalore for OTA Gaya through Technical Entry Scheme 43. “When life knocks you down and everyone thinks that you are over, that’s the time to get up and prove yourself”. Hello friends I am Pratham Singh, recommended from 17 SSB Bangalore for TES -43(Indian Army). This was my second attempt for ssb, my first attempt was for TES 42 at SSB Bhopal in which I was screened out, that screened out was very disappointing for me as I prepared very hard. And friends as you all know that how it feels to return back home on the same day. But I never gave up, I did not lose hope. Then again I got a chance to apply for TES -43 entry. This time I worked really hard, I practiced as much OIR sets and PPDT images as I can. I took help of many books and materials from the internet. This time I understood that Mugging up things will not do. I worked on my psychological Aspects and read about the world current affairs so that I get updated about what’s going on in the world so that I can do well in my GD and lecturette.

Finally I went to SSB Bangalore. I reported on 29 Feb . Out of 462 only 245 guys reported, and then we were nicely briefed about the procedure and our documents were checked. Next day we had our screen in test. OIR test were very easy I attempted all 100 oir questions. After oir we went for our ppdt. I perceived the picture correctly and made the story. In discussion my narration was very good, and I spoke 2 or 3 times in the GD because as usual there was a fish market in the GD. I stayed calm and in between kept my few points. After the test got over our results were announced and I got screened in. Out of 245 candidates 42 got screened in now I was chest no 8. Then next day was our psychological tests. I did well in my psych tests, I attempted all tats, 59 wat, all sds and 36 srts. I was a little afraid because I have only attempted 36 srts. Then a senior from tgc entry told me not to worry because it is the quality that matters not the quantity.

Then next day was our gto 1 day, I did well in all test, in pgt I gave my ideas frequently and helped the group. On the same day I had my interview. I dressed properly and went for my interview. My IO was very polite and he asked me questions from my piq, he asked me many questions on my goals and carrier options, some technical questions and some gk and current affairs questions. My interview went on till 30 minutes. After my interview I was little sure about my recommendation. Then next day was our gto 2 day, testing started with individual obstacles and I was able to do 9 obstacles, I left only 1. Then next was Command task. I was called by 2 guys for assistance. My command task was a little difficult then others as I saw and as everyone told me. Then after the fgt our testing was over. We relaxed and in the afternoon we went out to explore Bangalore.

On the next morning we had our conference, we packed our bags and went for conference. My conference was good and io asked me some 2-3 questions and some gk questions that I was not able to tell in my interview Then after the conference was over, we were eagerly waiting for our results. There was a feeling in my mind that I can get recommended. Then an officer came and announced the results, and the first chest no he announced was 8 that was mine. I was so happy. It was a very emotional moment for me, I called my mother and informed her, words were not coming out of my mouth, I was almost crying with tears in my eyes. 6 out of 42 got recommended, then our officers and jco sir came and congratulated us and we got our medical chest numbers. Friends this ssb was very special for me because this was my last attempt after 12. I thanked God, my parents, my friends and everyone how supported me in my life. So do not lose hope in life and live your dreams, JAI HIND.




Start your SSB preparations with these specially curated ebooks.

Stage 1 SSB – SSB Oir ebook

SSB Psychology Test – Click Here

SSB Group Tasks  – Click Here

Thematic Apperception Test – Click Here

Situation Reaction Test – Click Here


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HeroesRecommended In Second Attempt For OTA Gaya (TES 43)
HeroesRecommended In Second Attempt For OTA Gaya (TES 43)
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