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Thursday, February 6, 2025

Rajbir Sandhu Fourth Generation Army Officer [TGC -131]

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Rajbir Sandhu Fourth Generation Army Officer [TGC -131]

Read the success story of Rajbir who recently got recommended from 14 ssb Allahabad from TGC 131 entry. Hi defence aspirants. Howz the josh,  I’m Rajbir Sandhu and I’m from Amritsar. (Fourth Gen Army Officer in making)

“If your actions inspire others to dream more,learn more ,do more and become more,you my friend are a True leader”

Recently I got recommended from 14 ssb Allahabad known as the rejection centre in TGC 131. I’m gonna share my story from the bottom to motivate defence aspirants.

Day 1 – Screening :

150 candidates reported. This was my second attempt and I got a repeaters batch.

OIR- 100/100 attempted.

PPDT- Perceived the picture clearly,  my story was different from others.

E.g. a blur image of a girl wearing skirt. All of them made that girl a old women whereas I made her a young girl going for a match. This point helped me convince and counter others in GD. Narration was crisp. Overall, Be alert when picture is shown

Result- 40 got in. 10 were from my group. I got cheat no 34

Excel In PPDT [Story Writing And Narration] : Download eBook

Day 2 – Psychology :

Attempted all TAT, WAT and SRT

Tips – SRT should be practical.

Eg -you and your friends lost the way in jungle. You will…..

Most of them wrote North stars and stuff. I wrote use google map and get out. Therefore,  answer should be short and crisp. Attempt as many as you can.

SSB Psychology – An Officer Within You : Download eBook

GTO – Day 3 & 4 :

GD was awesome. I won over others by stating examples and stated different perspective like socio – eco – pol aspects of the given topic.

GPE- done with logic and practicality. Mention time and place.

PGT – give simple and practical ideas and cooperate with others.

In my view HGT is very important, even more than PGT. Be a leader with ideal solutions.

Snake race – the most vital task after HGT,  in this group sensibilities are showcased.

Lecturette – I picked an average topic and spoke vital points. My topic was Look East Policy. Posture and confidence matters.

GTO eBook With Original GTO Tasks And Solutions : Download Now

“The supreme quality for leadership is integrity . Without it no real success is possible, no matter whether it is on a section gang, a football field, in an army, or in any field”.

Interview – Day 4 :

In GTO dress I went to the deputy president ‘s office. He asked me too many technical questions related to army and my stream. Like artillery guns. Infantry brigades in my city etc. But I was honest about what I knew and stayed calm during this. I showcased.my vulnerabilites to him during the interview, and He was taken aback by my confidence. Point to be noted – rapid fire sequence is very vital to remember. Overall my interview was a decent one.

Conference – Day 5 :

It went for ten mins.

I was asked an SRT related corruption within my company. I gave a logical answer and further told them my future plans that is Cracking the IAS exam. After which president asked me about Scandinavian countries which I knew.

After my conference I was confident about my recommendation and the result was a no surprise. 5 of us got recommended. After 4 washout batches at Allahabad.

One of my group member who got conference out had another ssb of CDS IMA the next day in the nearby ssb ie 34 ssb. He got screened in and for the next 4 days while my medical was going on, I guided him all the way. And further got recommended. It’s my dream,  to create more leaders because A true leader is the one who stands for others,  and build character by helping his mates. 

Finally I made it,  and now ready to become 4th generation officer in my family.

Waiting for my merit list now.

Thanks Almighty for this success.

If any one has any query, wants some information regarding ssb, specially Allahabad rejection centre or any other doubts related to Prelims. Feel free to contact me. It would be my pleasure if I could inspire or contribute in someone’s dream. JAI HIND

Gmail. – rajbirsandhu41097@gmail.com
Instagram ID – rajbirsandhu70




Start your SSB preparations with these specially curated ebooks.

Stage 1 SSB – SSB Oir ebook

SSB Psychology Test – Click Here

SSB Group Tasks  – Click Here

Thematic Apperception Test – Click Here

Situation Reaction Test – Click Here


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HeroesRajbir Sandhu Fourth Generation Army Officer
HeroesRajbir Sandhu Fourth Generation Army Officer
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