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Monday, March 31, 2025

List Of Common Mistakes Committed By A Candidate During SSB

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List Of Common Mistakes Committed By A Candidate During SSB

During the five day selection process at the SSB, certain common mistakes that are committed by candidates due to their ignorance and not being fully aware of how to appropriately project themselves. Assessment of candidates at the selection centre is based on demonstrated behavioural projections and has a lot to do with your general grooming and continuous interplay of the environment with the traits that you were born with. Hence it is very important for a candidate to adhere the same.

Let us see few general mistakes committed by a candidate:

  1. Reports late for SSB and are not fully equipped as per the list of items (clothing and other materials), given in the Call up letter.
  2. Not carrying all the requisite documents, resulting in avoidable harassment.
  3. Displays social adjustment problems by being critical of other candidates, the process of conduct of activities or too demanding with respect to administrative back up being provided by the Selection Centre.
  4. Demonstrates rude behaviour towards the staff and Class-IV employees of the selection centre.
  5. Not being appropriately turned out, unshaven or improper hair cut/headgear.
  6. Disregards the initial briefing of the assessor and enters out of bound areas, as told by him.
  7. Indulges in improper conduct and gets involved in disciple related problems.
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Stage –I
  1. Being not attentive during various briefings by assessors and latter asks unreasonable doubts displaying lack of good grasping power.
  2. During discussion of PPDT:-
  1. Not attentive while others are reading their individual story. Confused and looking nervous while narrating his individual story in a muted, lacklustre voice, showing low energy level.
  2. Does not qualitatively and meaningfully contribute towards the formation of the group story during the discussion phase.
  3. While discussing, continues to repeat his own story only during the Group Discussion, rather than effectively contributing to create the common group story.
  4. Becomes overbearing and group disruptive by not allowing others to participate.

  Stage- II
  1. All points given for PPDT are also applicable for GD & GPE discussions.
  2. Displays self centred attitude whenever engaged in group activities. (Always give precedence to group goal over personal aspirations).
  3. Participates more vigorously only when he ‘thinks’ the GTO is observing him and has a ‘put on’ behaviour rather than being natural.
  4. Displays a general lack of enthusiasm/ non-committal behaviour and negative body language during interaction with others in the GTO group.
  5. Tries to ‘steal the thunder’ from others by inappropriate means, e.g. letting down others or keeps highlighting their mistakes, etc.
  6. Displays a complaining attitude e.g. “we could not complete the Task because others were incompetent or uncooperative, “time was not adequate”, etc.
  7. Poor time management while attending tests, especially, psychology tests.
  8. Attempts the tests, especially psych tests, with emphasis on quantity and not quality of responses.
  9. Responses in various psych tests are stereo-type which shows lack of originality and imagination.
  10. Not understanding the intimate relationship between the information mentioned in Personal Information Questionnaire (PIQ) and the responses given during psych testing & personal interview.
  11. Tries to bluff the interviewing officer (IO), thereby getting caught in his own web.
  12. Lack of general awareness and knowledge of current affairs.
  13. Not maintaining composure and show fidgety in body language during the interview.
  14. Goes shabbily turned out with sloppy bearing, especially for the interview.
  15. Displays casual behaviour during the conduct of various activities and the final Board Conference.

Start your SSB preparations with these specially curated ebooks.

Stage 1 SSB – SSB Oir ebook

SSB Psychology Test – Click Here

SSB Group Tasks  – Click Here

Thematic Apperception Test – Click Here

Situation Reaction Test – Click Here

To Download Free SSB Material – Click Here

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BlogsList Of Common Mistakes Committed By A Candidate During SSB
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