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Battle of Longewala every defence aspirant should know about

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Battle of Longewala every defence aspirant should know about


Hello folks, hope you are doing well.

The Indian Army fought many great wars in history. Every aspirant should have some knowledge about these events.

Many of you must have seen the famous Bollywood movie ‘Border’, the event in the movie was actually based on a fierce battle.

India and Pakistan from 4th to 7th (this day that year) of December 1971, fought this battle  of Longewala.

Most important facts and details about the Battle of Longewala :
  • The Battle of Longewala took place in the west during the Indo-Pak war of 1971.
  • Fought between the Pakistan and India at the post of Longewala in Thar Desert, Rajasthan.
  • If we talk about the strength of the army of both the sides, then this battle comprises of a total of 2000 soldiers, 1 mobile infantry brigade and 45 tanks on the side of Pakistani Army.
  • So as to counter the attack the Indian side comprises of 120 soldiers, 4 Hawker Hunters, 1 HAL Krishak, 1 Jeep Mounted recoilless rifle.
  • Despite the fact of being heavily outnumbered in terms of strength, the Indian Army gave the Pakistani Army a tough fight and completely shattered their plan of capturing the Longewala post.
  • The regiment which was defending the Longewala post was a 23rd battalion of the Punjab Regiment, under the command of Maj. Kuldip Singh Chandpuri
  • Maj. Kuldip Singh was left with the choice of either attempting to hold their position by the time they get reinforced or to desert the Longewala post because of the fact they were heavily outnumbered. Maj. Chandpuri took the road less traveled by and chooses to defend their post.
  • Maj. Kuldip Singh without a doubt ensured his assets were correctly and properly deployed. He made the best use of his defensive position.
  • In this adverse situation of being heavily outnumbered the Army was not alone, the Indian Air Force forward air controller secured and directed the aircraft in support of the Longewala post till that time, the Army was reinforced.
4th December 1971:
  • During the night of 4th December 1971, Lt. Veer’s platoon was conducting a usual patrol across the border and the platoon detected that there was heavy noise coming from across the border.
  • The noise was none other than the noise that comes from the armoured vehicles. The Army’s Air Observation post soon confirmed the intrusion heavily armed Pakistani Armoured brigade.
  • When Maj. Chandpuri was informed about the intrusion he quickly reported to the HQ and asked for reinforcements and artillery support, the HQ gave him clear order either to hold the post or to desert the post, because the reinforcement was going to arrive after 6 hours.
  •  Maj. Chandpuri ordered his company to lay some tank mines in the open field to welcome the Pakistani’s with surprise gifts. 
  • The Pakistani force attacked the Longewala post at 12.30 am. As a part of the offensive approach, the Pakistani artillery opened up across the border with medium machine guns.
  • Pakistani tanks approached near to 15-30 meters, they accounted for the first two tanks with India’s  106mm M40 recoilless rifle.
  • This weapon of India was quite effective and claimed to destroy about 12 tanks.
  • Massively outnumbering the Indian defenders and having surrounded them, the Pakistani troops were able to advance over the open terrain.
  • This also encouraged the Indian not to give up their strong defensive position, frustrating the Pakistani commanders. Pakistani force was not able to capture the post.
5th December 1971:
  • The morning, Air Force comes into the rescue, direct to aid and assist.
  • The airforce mainly used the HF-24 Maruts and Hawker Hunter aircraft.
  • The Indian Aircrafts attacked the Pakistani ground troops with the 16 Matra T-10 rockets and 30 mm cannon fire.
  •  The Indian force entirely destroyed the Pakistani counterpart in order to get an upper edge.
  •  By the afternoon, the assault halts with 22 Pakistani tanks destroyed.
  • Under those circumstances, the remaining deserted as the Indian reinforcement arrived.

The Battle of Longewala becomes the defining moment in the 1971 war later and left Pakistan with heavy damages. 

India attained victory over Pakistan in 1971 war, ultimately thrusting the liberation of Bangladesh.


This is the right time to commemorate the victory that took place this day that year in 1971. And to pay tribute to the brave soldiers who protected India, all never the less to Maj. Chandpuri who recently passed away two weeks before.


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