Tips To Crack NDA 2024 Exam
Through this article we will discuss the last minute tips to crack the NDA Exam. The UPSC will be conducting the NDA & NA 1 2024 exam on 21st April 2024. With only few days left for the exam, each one has their own strategy which they follow, however, there are some added tips that will help you not only with the syllabus and technicality of the exam but also be prepared for the D-Day mentally and physically.
The NDA & NA exam constitutes of two papers — Mathematics and General Ability Test (GAT). Mathematics part will be of 300 marks and the GAT section will be of 600 marks. In the GAT section, the questions will be asked from physics, chemistry, general science, history and freedom movement, geography, current events etc.
There will be objective type MCQ questions. Four alternatives to each question will be available. Both the papers have to be completed in a duration of 2.5 hours. A penalty will be imposed for wrong answers. There will be a deduction of 33 per cent of marks constituted for the question for every wrong answer marks.
Since the exam pattern is clear, let us jump into how to go about the last minute preparation for NDA 2024 written examination. We are also adding to the bonus tip to add that “extra mile”.
Tip 1: Stop studying
Stop your studies the way you have been until now. You need to revise now. From each of the topic in maths, physics and chemistry especially, jot down all the important formulas and chant them in your free time. Formulas are the basis of calculations and can help you solve many questions. Mission NDA book can be the best source for revision.
Also in addition to that, forget all your doubts. There is no more room for any doubts at this stage. Doubts will add unnecessary pressure at this point. Concentrate on what you know and what you have learned until now and ace those topics.
Tip 2: Practice on managing time
Note that, In the first paper, mathematics there will be 120 questions. Each question is of 2.5 marks and the total time allotted to solve them is 150 minutes. You need to have a strategy to complete all the questions in the available time, it will be easier if you practice the time management using previous years question paper. To practice General Knowledge questions you can refer 5000+ most expected MCQ’s book.

Tip 3: Plan now for what to do in the exam hall
This is what a topper would do! Yes, plan exactly what you are going to do at the exam center. Make a blueprint of the exam day strategy and practice accordingly from now on. You can apply the following:
On the exam day for the mathematics section especially, screen the paper as soon as you get the question paper. Now mark the questions as 1, 2, and 3. These marks denote 1 – attempt in the first go, 2 – attempt in the second go and 3 – attempt in the last, this will be the questions that you are less confident in and if the time is not left you can leave them.
This or a similar type of technique can be used to attempt all the questions. You just need to figure it now, and practice to see if it works and apply it on the exam day.
Tip 4: Analyse the trend
Analyze previous years’ question papers and find out the chapters/topics from which most numbers of questions are asked. As per the trend analysis, note the chapters that are on the high priority and focus on them. However, do not start any new topic, as mentioned above.
Tip 5: Practice
The hidden factor of the NDA written exam that very less realize is following “Honesty is the best policy”. Yes, in NDA written exam candidates is also judged on the number of guesses that goes wrong. If a candidates attempt 45 questions and have got 15 wrong answers proves to be a bad impression and if a candidate who attempts 30 questions and gets 28 correct, is definitely going to have a better impression.
You are attempting an exam to join the armed forces, thus you are judged on many bases and not just attempting the questions. Your answer sheet is scrutinized at so many levels. Thus, do not do guesswork in the examination.
Tip 6: Focus on only NDA level questions
Do not fidget with questions with JEE level or other national level examinations. Stick to NDA level questions. Follow the NDA previous years question papers for this purpose.
After the exam, DDE will publish the answer key for the written examination on the day of the exam itself. The answer key can be used by the candidates to get an estimate of their scores in the NDA 1 2024 exam.
Appreciate sir so helpful… But unfortunately my nda attempts are over in 2022.i have a request that also give the tips of CDS aspirants as we have same exam dates which is 21st April. Also I want to tell you can you pls start the batches for CDS it’s my humble request to you sir pls… Waiting for your reply.