MNS 2023 Exam City
MNS 2023 Exam city allotted. The National Testing Agency has been entrusted with the responsibility of conducting the Military Nursing Service: Selection for Short Service Commission (SSC) 2023-24 under the aegis of Director General of Armed Forces Medical Services (DGAFMS).
Advance Intimation Slip informing the candidates of the allotment of the exam city has been hosted on the website.
The candidates are required to check/download the same using their Application No and Password from the website

The Candidates may please note that this is NOT the Admit Card for the above Examination.
This is only an Advance Intimation of the Exam City Allotted where the Examination Centre will be located, to facilitate the candidates.
The Admit Card of the above Examination will be issued shortly.
In case of any difficulty in downloading or discrepancy in the details contained in the advance intimation slip, candidates can may contact the NTA Help Desk at 011-40759000/011-69227700 or write to NTA at
Candidates are advised to regularly visit NTA website and in for the latest updates regarding the examination.