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Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Interesting facts about every Defence Aspirant

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Interesting facts about Defence Aspirants

Hello Aspirants, I hope you are applying every inch of hard work and effort to earn the prestigious uniform of the Indian Armed Forces. In this blog, I am going to tell the interesting facts about defence aspirants.

The fearless men and women at the Indian Armed Forces stay far from their families, miss many huge things in their lives so you can be with your friends and family and rest calmly during the evening. On the off chance that there is a paradise, these are the men and women who merit the most elevated platform. 

“You have never lived until

You have almost died,

And for those who choose to fight,

Life has a special flavor,

The protected will never know”

These words by Captain R. Subramaniam are enough to motivate any of the defence aspirants.

• The Defence Aspirants are classified in a bunch of extremely motivated candidates who are not easily shaken by the hurdles in life and dreamt of serving in the prestigious Indian Armed Forces.

• The Defence Aspirants learn to earn “IZZAT” or “RESPECT” in the eyes of their parents, friends, and relatives while Serving the Nation with Pride and Honour.

facts about defence aspirants

• The defense aspirants have a good knowledge of current affairs and are well prepared by regularly reading newspapers and try to develop the 15 Officer Like Qualities (OLQs) in their personality.

• A hunger to accomplish the million dollar dream is always seen in the eyes of the candidates which purely reflects the identity of their souls.

• The Defence aspirants have a one-dimensional view of the world, they call their friends as the “GENTLEMEN” and usually have less allergic nature towards Girlfriend/Boyfriend relations.

• When someone asks the defence aspirants, “How much do you want to earn in your life?” The candidates reply in a polite language, “A Hundred Salutes Everyday”

• The 90% Defence Aspirants wake up early in the morning especially a month before Service Selection Board (SSB)

• Most of the defence aspirant have a motive of earning the Royal Enfield Classic series.

facts about defence aspirants

• The favourite heroes of the defense aspirants are Captain Vikram Batra, Captain Manoj Kumar Pandey, Second Lieutenant Arun Khetarpal etc. who sacrificed their lives for the safety of the motherland.

• Favourite movies of the defence aspirants are LOC Kargil and Lakshya. While, the favorite songs comprise Kandho se Milte Hai Kandhe, Lakshya Har Haal Me Pana Hai and Kadam Kadam Badaye Ja.

• Defence aspirants try to maintain the prestigious “Crew Hair Cut” throughout life and many of them have already crossed the “ANTIM PAG” in their dreams.

antim pag Indian Army

• The defence aspirants dreamt of golden stars on their shoulders instead of high paying jobs at an MNCs and prefer SU-30 MKI to BMW and Ferrari.

• The defense aspirants have already taken out the potential threats in their dreams and enter a field that is feared by the bravest of souls who risk their lives in service for the safety of the motherland.

facts about defence aspirants
Curated From Original SSB Material

​​​​Ok Warriors, “How many of You stimulate these features in Yourself?”

Hahaha, I know every defence aspirant find these traits in their Personality. I hope the article was interesting for all the candidates and if you have something to share then please leave a comment.

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