Attempt the Test Your Military Aptitude for AFCAT and SSB Quiz, the passing percentage is 70%.

#1. Replace the “?” with correct option :

#2. Replace the “?” with correct option :

#3. Select the diagram which correctly illustrates the relationship between a thief, criminal and judge.

#4. Replace the “?” with correct option :

#5. Select the diagram that best illustrates the relationship between Clothes, Red, and Flowers.

#6. Select the diagram which best illustrates the relationship between truck, ship, and goods.

#7. How many Triangles are there in the figure?

#8. Select the answer figure in which the question figure is hidden ?

#9. Select the answer figure in which the question figure is hidden ?

#10. Select the Answer figure in which the Question figure is hidden/embedded.
Grab current affairs and DDE AFCAT BOOK that will help you succeed.
Grab current affairs and DDE AFCAT BOOK that will help you succeed.
The Pattern of Quiz:
MON – Defence and Aviation Quiz
TUE – History/Geo/Polity
FRI – Static GK Quiz
SAT – Current Affairs Quiz
SUN – 50 Questions Test Series
Can someone explain logic of the number based questions