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Thursday, March 27, 2025

How to Crack SSB Interview without coaching?

Bestseller Books For Your preparation

How To Crack SSB Interview

Service Selection Board Interview is a 5 day process that involves numerous tests to ascertain physical and mental ability of a candidate.

Let me assume that you have already received a call letter for SSB Interview or will be receiving soon. Now, what is the exact preliminary planning needed at this stage when plethora of information is available online regarding SSB Interview?

You need to answer these 2 questions before we proceed further.

1.) Do you know in detail about the tests conducted over 5 Days?

If you do then good enough! If not, don’t worry we’ll tell you how to.

service selection board group tasks

2.) Assuming you do know about the tests conducted. Have you ever prepared a list dividing all the tests on the basis of your personal difficulty level?

If you haven’t, then the planning has been weak on your part. You should make a chart based on your personal skills and abilities. To make your work simpler we have attached a chart for reference. Take time and Jot down yours

how to crack ssb interview

This makes you realise what you are weak at. Once you know your weak points and strengths you can consequently work on them in a structured manner.

For example if you are shy and nervous, then the only way to overcome this is by speaking more openly and among public. This will be your first step towards improvement.

Likewise, if you are weak at quick decision making then involve yourselves in daily life decisions. Lets say your friend wishes to purchase something and is unable to make that decision, Can you help him?

Let’s say your parents wish to make an investment decision. Can you give your insights and make them take a quicker decision?

Instances like these help you develop this behavior and your instincts kick in better when there’s actually a circumstance when you have to take a quick decision.

Only when you know your weaknesses and try to develop them on day to day basis you’ll notice a change in your personality.

Now, Coming to the first question – What should you refer to know the 5 day process in detail?

While there’s a ton of content available everywhere it is advised to only take an overview of entire process of 5 day SSB Interview. You can safely refer any of these books given below for a general overview.

Books for SSB Interview

It is highly recommended that whichever book you choose, you must get SSB OIR (Officer Intelligence Rating Test) along with this.

SSB OIR book is for Stage 1, known as screening stage or the First day at SSB Interview.

how to crack ssb interview

SSB OIR book by DDE is seen as the standard benchmark for Stage 1 Preparation nationwide 🇮🇳

The Book is reviewed by SSB President and has complete syllabus of OIR & PPDT.

SSB OIR Col Anshu Trivedi

Now that you have planned the strategy and also know the standard sources the next thing is practice. You need to devote time on daily basis for practicing tests such as TAT, SRT, WAT, Narration, PPDT and more.

You should practice all this with a group of alike candidates. This is because practicing with those candidates preparing for SSB interview gets you familiar with testing environment.

Refer to these eBooks for detailed practice on TAT, WAT, SRT, PPDT & GTO. Download on your device now!

ssb interview ebooks
Download ssb interview ebooks

Mostly, Students are also dependent on coaching. In reality, Coaching is nothing but supposed to be a Personality Development Programme!

However in today’s Market Coaching is more of a mugging up than actual personality development. It’s rare that you get a good mentor.

We insist that you follow what is told in this blog and identify your weaknesses and strengths. While you work on your weakness you’ll realise that you are developing your personality and becoming a better person over time.

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