Attempt the Important Static GK Quiz for Defence Exams, the passing percentage is 70%.
#1. “Bodo” language is widely spoken in which part of India?
#2. The Highest rainfall receiving spot “Mawsynram” is located in which state?
#3. “Mitra Shakthi” Joint Military Exercise is held between
#4. The “Galathea National Park” is located in which state/UT?
#5. Where is the headquarters of North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) located?
#6. What is the full form of e-payment system “UPI”?
#7. Which one of the following is the oldest scientific department of Government of India?
#8. Where is Defence Services Staff College located?
#9. Nagarjuna Sagar Multipurpose Project is located in which state?
#10. The Lipu Lekh pass is located in which state?
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The Pattern of Quiz:
MON – Defence and Aviation Quiz
TUE – History/Geo/Polity
FRI – Static GK Quiz
SAT – Current Affairs Quiz
SUN – 50 Questions Test Series