Attempt the Static GK Quiz Online, passing percentage is 70%.
#1. What is the name of Japanese made Most powerful Supercomputer?
#2. The Bokaro Steel Plant is located in which state?
#3. Who has hosted Global G20 Summit virtually?
#4. WhatsApp recently is in the news due to new IT rules, WhatsApp is owned by?
#5. The Construction of Qutub Minar was completed by?
#6. Who is crowned as 69th Miss Universe 2020?
#7. Who was the viceroy of India during time of Gandhiji’s Dandi March?
#8. What is the name of rotary wing Aerobatic team of Indian Air Force?
#9. What is the name Intelligence Wing of Israel?
#10. Where is the Mazagaon Dock Limited is located?
#11. In an incandescent electric bulb, the filament of the bulb is made up which metal?
#12. The ship floats on what principle?
#13. The famous “Gandhi Solar Park” is located at
#14. Who was the first recipient of Dadasaheb Phalke award?
#15. Who is appointed as the Vice Chief of Indian Air Force?
#16. The famous “Pashupati Seal” was discovered in which site of Indus valley civilization?
#17. Where was the Aero India Air show and Defence Exhibition 2021 was held?
#18. The Panama Canal opened in 1914, links
#19. The Headquarters of South Western Railway is located at?
#20. Cyclone Taukate which recently hit Indian Western Coast. The Taukate name is given by which Country?
The Pattern of Quiz:
MON – Defence and Aviation Quiz
TUE – History/Geo/Polity
FRI – Static GK Quiz
SAT – Current Affairs Quiz
SUN – 50 Questions Test Series
What’s your Reaction?
Sir I want to ask a question, I am in class 9 what can I prepare for nda or ssb from class 9 onwards
Dear Amarnath sir I have solved all OIR quizes and my mean % is 85 in that.So , I request to make it a bit hard than previous quizzes thank you
Congrats Hridyansh, the same level OIR questions can be expected in SSB. Next Wednesday and Thursday quizzes will be of higher difficulty.