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DDE’s Blogger Gets Recommended By 34 SSB Allahabad

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DDE’s Blogger Gets Recommended By 34 SSB Allahabad

Success Story of DDE’s Blogger who got recommended in 6th attempt by 34 SSB Allahabad. Jai hind Aspirants. The phrase which you just read is not just a phrase but an emotions for defence aspirants like you and me. I’m Nikhil, native of Sitamarhi, Bihar and currently living in Patna. I made it in my 6th attempt from 34 SSB.

Before you read my success story you should definitely have a look how it all started and how I failed again and again. After all these  years the day finally came on 15th Feb 2020. But lets go back to August 2017 that time AFCAT used to be held at Airforce bases. I had mine on 27th Aug at KV Darbhanga AFS. I had an amazing experience of exams and was confident of getting passing marks after one failed attempt. So I started jogging and exercising since Aug 2017. The result was declared on 13th Oct 2017. It was one of the happiest day of my life because I was getting closer to what I had dreamt of.

I selected my interview date on 11th Dec at 4 AFSB. I was nervous and excited at the same time because being from a completely civil background and watching AFSB buildings and banners was giving me goosebumps and I realized that immense challenges were waiting for me. Because success and uniform doesn’t come easily. I was screened in and I got a chance to stay for 4 more days for stage 2 testing. I was prepared for challenges and did it  up to best of my capabilities. Psych test went well. In  GTO I was given  the toughest task and completed it within times. Interview was just OK. But overall I wasn’t fit to be selected. So I got CO on 15th Dec.

ALSO READ : 10 Tips To Crack AFCAT 2 2020 Easily

Now after that back to back 3 times SO two from Varanasi and last one from Dehradun on 8th July 2019. Meanwhile, I had worked a lot on myself but essential things were missing. Although it was very tough for me to continue my journey on this path. But I had one SSB for CDS entry at Bhopal for Indian Military Academy (chose Army over Airforce this time) in next month. So I thought to give it a try. Because by this time I really wanted to be a part of armed  forces at any cost and all these failures after constant attempts had made me stronger. In the meantime, I cleared DRDO  CEPTAM but I wasn’t  in the merit list. So there was  nothing left but to focus on SSB in Aug 2019.

I reported at Bhopal junction on 15th of August. Next day, we were 31 people at stage 1, because few aspirants didn’t have some documents. Guys please check your documents twice, thrice before leaving home for SSB. In OIR set 1, I did okay and in OIR 2 I solved all the questions  but wrote answers of all questions but I messed up in numbering the answers. It was a huge  mistake and I was extremely upset. But I wrote a good story and narrated it well. I  also participated in GD in the desired manner. So 30/31 got screened in and I was one of them. Day 2 was the psych test and it went well. But in GTO I got struck in a field task. Because after 2 GD, 1 GPE and Lecturette, I had almost no energy left or you may say my mental stamina wasn’t adequate to perform the remaining tasks. Somehow I did but couldn’t give my personal best.

On the same day,  I had an interview after GTO which went well but poor knowledge of my core subject hampered my overall performance and I also didn’t have adequate knowledge about army.  First of all, you should know as much as possible about armed forces. Use wikipedia, youtube, unacademy etc and acquire knowledge about it before you face an interview. It isn’t necessary but it will give you an edge. Again, due to poor performance in various task I wasn’t fit to be recommended. So, CO on 20 Aug. This failure had shaken me to the core at that time and I started thinking that am i not fit for armed forces. I had a lot of self questioning. But I had a little bit of faith in myself and in my honest labour. And that little faith is necessary when things are tough. In Sept 2019, I had my CDS and CGL mains exams. Every single logic says that CGL is the suitable option but despite raw wound of failure I chose CDS which was on 9th September and CGL mains was on 11th Sept.

MUST READ : How To Crack CDS Exam In First Attempt

So  after all these I gave my heart and soul to CDS exams and cleared it. CGL mains would have gone well if it were on some other day. But sometimes destiny has planned for you than you planned for yourself . Results of the CDS  exam was declared on the evening of chhat puja. That was a very emotional moment for me and my family members. Although, by that time I had various ups and downs and few exams so I was completely out of track for SSB. But post chhat puja when I came to Patna I started following my routine rigorously. I studied my core subject, I also started playing sports (football) regularly. Within 10 days I was on track and I going in the right direction. Whenever I had any doubt I discussed it with my mentor and got help. By the end of January I was well in shape both mentally and physically . Now cut short, I unknowingly chose another SSB from 11th to 15th. And these days will change my forever.

On the reporting day we were 41 and again 3 were sent back due to lack of documents. So in stage 1 there were 38 candidates. This is best thing about CDS entry.

Day 1 : OIR went very well thanks to DDE OIR book. I did all 50 OIR in both sets within the given time without any difficulties . Picture perceived clearly and wrote a sensible story on that. Practiced narration 5-6 times in leisure and narrated story in one go. I was an active participant in GD too. During result declaration I was called but my chest number was given to other guy(later became a good friend of mine and also recommended) and I was last to be called  in for stage 1.

Day 2 : Psych test perceived picture clearly and wrote sensible story while avoiding unnecessary negativity and Rambo things. All story were somehow related to my life. So my true personality was reflecting there. Also I was Blogger on DDE and that gave me edge on expressing myself.  12th story was on improvement that I have done in past few years. Wrote meaningful sentences in WAT (please practice for WAT in advance just writing not memorize sentences) which came in my mind during those 15 seconds. Did 41 SRT again sensibly with my true personality. Here quality matters not quantity.

READ NOW : Tips To Write Effective Sentence In WAT

Day 3 (GTO 1) : 7 tasks out of 9 tasks

I was mentally prepared for it, this time by running 8 to 10  km and regular meditation.

GD topic 1 – Effect of Digitalization and GD topic 2 –  Irritation due to gender Gap.

I was participating in group activity over Skype since my 2nd attempt. So I was prepared for it. One should read newspaper or a good Current affairs magazine or both( if possible) and that’s enough.

GPE-  wrote sensible solutions and was an active participant in discussion.

GOR – helped group members in tackling obstacles quickly.

PGT – Gave rational solution and appreciated other’s workable solutions too. One should at least watch various youtube video for outdoor tasks and familiarize with basic principles of cantilever.

Lecturette – Spoke for 3 minutes on Ecological balance eloquently. One should practice speaking in front of mirror or group on any topic for 3 to 4 minutes.  At the same time be sensible while choosing the topic, knowledge is secondary, here our confidence and speaking ability is seen.

HGT – Same as PGT. Group performed very well  and so did I.

IOR was on the same day which was definitely an unusual thing. All of us were tired especially me but I had developed an  attitude of putting 100 % in each task. Did all 10 obstacles could have gone for few more with improved planning. One should practice long jump,  high jump in advance as well as sprinting once in a week will be extremely helpful. Be familiarized with obstacles from Youtube videos and be mentally and physically prepared to cross all the obstacles.

Day 4 (GTO 2) :

Command Task – Called twice and given a tough task & completed it within given time by two penalty. One should give best and take help of subordinate if necessary. Such tasks are not complicated but not an easy one .

FGT also went well.

ALSO READ : Follow These Valuable  Tips About GTO Tasks To Get Recommended

Same day, there was interview, now you’ll read something interesting and incredible. 3/25 interviews were shifted to another board. I was prepared for this moment and I was an open book for interview. But it went around for 5 min or 6 min. What I have calculated is that it went for 5 minutes max. Which is rare for CDS entry. There were simple questions about me and my previous attempts. How did I prepare this time and a series of questions about my family. IO also asked me, why do I want to join army? Cross checked my knowledge about army. Asked for two my strengths and weaknesses. And interview was over. But during those 5 min I gave my best I did  firm handshakes while entering and  leaving. Bit of nervousness was inside (for which one cannot do anything), but I was happy and confident at the  same time. I also admitted some of my mistakes and gave answer to all the questions. I got recommended the next day so whatever happened there was rare but I had given my best. So I was confident about my result.

Day 5 (Conference) :

I was last chest no 25. So while alone in the waiting room, nervousness was on it’s peak. But  meditation helped me a lot or you may say my bounce back or liveliness capacity has improved a lot. So I did few Affirmation which was why I’ll be selected and also gave a thought to the mistakes that I have made in last 5 days.

Chest no 24 went inside (he was also recommended a SOSA, a good chap).

I was waiting outside on a chair. Thinking how I’ll write my success story if I get recommended this time. Just kidding I was nervous that time.

Chest No. 24 out then discussion went for 2 minutes. I went inside, the conference went for 20 to 30 seconds with usual questions and how could I have performed better this time?

ALSO READ : Technical Questions Asked In SSB Interview

After this we were again gathered in the waiting room. Tech officer came inside gave his speech then announced result. Now this was the moment which I was waiting for in the past few years, all the hard work and failure that I have been through had paid off. It was one of the best moments of my life when tech officer announced chest no 25. Suddenly, everything that I had been through in the past few years flashed in front of my eyes in a moment, I was overwhelmed and I happily called out my name Nikhil Kumar and my UPSC roll no 1502019. Four of us got recommended, all repeaters same group ( 17, 22, 24 and 25). Now I wrote a lot about myself. So, in last  I would like to  thank   all persons who have supported me or questioned me. list is very long from 11th – 15th Dec 2017 to 11th – 15th Feb 2020. But support of these persons gave me strength and those who questioned me prepared me for tough times or helped me to improved myself. So I’m thankful to all and last for you people have faith in yourself, my wishes are with you and I’m looking forward to read more of your success stories in near future. Long live India.




Start your SSB preparations with these specially curated ebooks.

Stage 1 SSB – SSB Oir ebook

SSB Psychology Test – Click Here

SSB Group Tasks  – Click Here

Thematic Apperception Test – Click Here

Situation Reaction Test – Click Here

To Download Free SSB Material – Click Here

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HeroesDDE's Blogger Gets Recommended By 34 SSB Allahabad
HeroesDDE's Blogger Gets Recommended By 34 SSB Allahabad
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