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Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Sunny Vyas Recommended For Indian Army, Navy And Air Force

Bestseller Books For Your preparation

Sunny Vyas Recommended For  Indian Army, Navy And Air Force

Hello young minds. I am Sunny Vyas from Ahmedabad, recommended for all three services Army (IMA-148), Navy (SSC navy pilot) and Airforce (Flying- Jan 2020) but unfortunately, I’m medical out.

Fighter flying has always been one of my dreams and dreams certainly help you work harder and makes you better. Such qualities would surely fetch success and for success, we definitely require some resources. Books, NCC mentors, DDE etc were my improving pillars, especially for ‘last minute preparation’.

Talking about overall experience, I was pretty much confident with my all 3 recommendations. For me, screening has been easy in almost all attempts. I have been a good contributor in PPDT. Psychology also went at a smoother pace. In SRT, I tried to clear whole picture with proper details and managed to complete just 32-38 SRTs. TAT and WAT were based on my everyday experiences and not so heroic. SD was prepared earlier and analyzed with actual thoughts.

During the interview, do not dishearten yourself if you fail to give any answer.  A smile, too works better if it can come naturally!! Rest all is on your confidence and thus I could manage interview well without faking it. My responses were satisfactory to interviewer. Most of the time was occupied by questions on my friends, parents, my current job, relationship, future goals and myself.

Group tasks focuses on your individuality in the team you are in, along with your capability of organizing OLQs not only of yourself but also of your group. I could regulate and contribute effectively in all GT exercises. Fitness was an add on for me in physical activities. Lecturette topics were chosen based on my capability of delivering the information on the selected topic.

In conference, calm and smart replies according to your psychology would work better I suggest. I have been asked questions on previous SSB learnings, localities near SSB center, factual details, introspecting the current SSB performance and of course, “How was your stay?”. All conferences lasted for just a couple of minutes.

I have seen 2, 3, 4 AFSBs, 12 SSB-Bangalore, 20, 21 SSB-Bhopal.

Thank you so much.

Start your SSB preparations with these specially curated ebooks.

Stage 1 SSB – SSB Oir ebook

SSB Psychology Test – Click Here

SSB Group Tasks  – Click Here

Thematic Apperception Test – Click Here

Situation Reaction Test – Click Here

To Download Free SSB Material – Click Here

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HeroesSunny Vyas Recommended For Indian Army, Navy And Air Force
HeroesSunny Vyas Recommended For Indian Army, Navy And Air Force
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