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Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Mission Shakti: India A Space Super Power

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Mission Shakti: India A Space Super Power


Hello lads.

In today’s blog, we are going to tell you about a recent operation conducted by India Mission Shakti.

On 27th March 2019, our country launched this space operation and proved the dominance of India among the world’s superpower.

It is a very special moment for all the countrymen and it swells our heart with pride, it is one of the biggest achievements of India so far.

India carried out an anti-satellite missile test and registers itself as an elite space power in the world.

Mission Shakti is a very important step towards securing the safety, economic growth and technological advancement of the country.


What is Mission Shakti?

  • Mission Shakti was a test mission to test the capabilities of Made In India’s A-SAT missile.
  • The mission was an extremely difficult one and required high skills of technical achievement.
  • The motive of the mission is for the development and the security of India.
  • In this mission, India shot down a Low Earth Orbit Satellite by Anti Satellite missile.
  • The mission was completed just within three minutes.
  • The mission also shows the preparedness of India to the world in case any satellite eavesdrops to lower orbital of India.
  • A Low Earth Orbit refers to an Earth-centered orbit at an altitude of 2000 km.
  • A-SAT is a weapon system designated to destroy or incapacitate satellites.


Prime Minister addressed the people on this big success

  • PM Shri Narendra Modi addressed the people and said that till now the US, Russia, and China had this achievement.
  • Now India is the fourth nation that has achieved it.
  • He also added that it is an important step towards securing India’s safety, economic growth and technological advancement.
  • Also, the A-SAT missile will give new strengths to India’s space programme.
  • It is purely India’s defence initiative for its security.
  • This test also does not breach any international law or treaties.
  • He described Mission Shakti special for two reasons:
  1. India is only the 4th country to acquire such a specialized and modern capability.
  2. The entire effort is indigenous.



Well, I can say it’s a proud moment for all of us.

India again proved its mettle to the world emerging a space superpower.

A big salute to the scientists and the team of DRDO and ISRO who conducted this difficult operation for the betterment of the country.


For more stuff, Stay tuned to DDE.

Jai Hind


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